

You can pay to protect the chest for a specified amount of time.


This is a plugin that protects the chest. With conventional chest protection plug-ins, chests would remain locked semi-permanently even when players stopped coming to the server, which was often a hindrance.
With this plug-in, you can pay money to lock the chests only for the amount of time you paid for them. After the period, the protection is removed.



The plugin allows many operations to be performed via a GUI.
To use the GUI, run the command /dvault or /dv.
The following screen will open. Click on the item you want to do and follow the instructions.



In config.yml you can configure the following items

Item Description
version Do not change.
timezone Your server's time zone (ref)
db Please enter information about the database to be used.
lock.unit Unit of time. (s, m, h, d)
lock.price Protection price per unit time
lock.max Maximum protection period


You can edit each message in messages.yml. This is also a good place to do localization, etc.