
An embedded scripting language for Go projects

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


CircleCI MIT license Go.Dev reference Go Report Card Releases

A fun and pragmatic embedded scripting language written for Go projects. Import it as a library or try out the Tamarin REPL.


Documentation is available at cloudcmds.github.io/tamarin.

Getting Started

The Quick Start in the documentation is where you should head to get started.

If you use Homebrew, you can install the Tamarin CLI as follows:

brew tap cloudcmds/tamarin
brew install tamarin

Having done that, just run tamarin to start the CLI or tamarin -h to see usage information.

Discuss the Project

Please visit the Github discussions page to share thoughts and questions.

Feature Overview

  • Familiar syntax inspired by Go, Typescript, and Python
  • Growing standard library which generally wraps the Go stdlib
  • Includes higher level libraries that are beyond the Go stdlib
  • Currently libraries include: json, math, rand, strings, time, uuid, strconv, pgx
  • Built-in types include: set, map, list, result, and more
  • Functions are values; closures are supported
  • Cancel evaluation using Go contexts
  • Library may be imported using the import keyword
  • Easy HTTP requests via the fetch built-in function
  • Pipeline expressions to create processing chains
  • Error handling inspired by Rust, using a Result type
  • String templates similar to Python's f-strings

Language Features and Syntax

See docs/Features.md.

Syntax Highlighting

A Tamarin VSCode extension is already available which currently only offers syntax highlighting.

You can also make use of the Tamarin TextMate grammar.

Further Documentation

Work in progress. See assorted.tm.


🎉 This project is just getting started. Tamarin is intended to be a community project and you can lend a hand in many different ways.

  • Please ask questions and share ideas in Github discussions
  • Share Tamarin on any social channels that may appreciate it
  • Let us know about any usage of Tamarin that we can celebrate
  • Leave us a star us on Github

Known Issues & Limitations

  • File I/O was intentionally omitted for now
  • No concurrency support yet
  • No user-defined types yet

Pipe Expressions

A single value may be passed between successive calls using pipe expressions.

array := ["gophers", "are", "burrowing", "rodents"]

sentence := array | strings.join(" ") | strings.to_upper




The intent is that if any call in the pipeline returns a Result object, that object is unwrapped before providing it to the next call (or the pipeline aborts if the Result is an error). This is not yet implemented.

Error Handling in Tamarin

There are two categories of errors in Tamarin. Severe errors which indicate a programming mistake create *object.Error errors that abort evaluation immediately. These are similar to Go panics. Operations that may fail return an *object.Result object that contains either an Ok value or an Err value. This is inspired by Rust's Result type. Result objects proxy to the Ok value in certain situations, to keep adhoc scripting concise.

Result Methods

  • is_err: returns true if the Result contains an error
  • is_ok: returns true if the Result contains the successful operation value
  • unwrap: returns the ok value if present and errors otherwise
  • unwrap_or: returns the ok value if present and the default value otherwise
  • expect: returns the ok value if present or raises an error with the given message

Other method calls on the Result object proxy to calls on the ok value (or raise an error).

Altogether this means programmers have reliable tools for handling errors as values without requiring try: catch style exceptions. In quick scripts, you can rely on Result method proxying if you want, while in situations requiring robustness you can use the Result methods to check for and unwrap errors.


See more information in CREDITS.


Released under the MIT License. Copyright Curtis Myzie / github.com/myzie.