
A dockerfile for running Moses


An Ubuntu 14.04-based dockerfile for running Moses

To create the image, run

$ git clone https://github.com/skurik/moses-docker.git
$ cd moses-docker
$ docker create -t <user>/moses .

To run the container, execute

$ docker run -t -i <user>/moses /bin/bash

Now you can verify that Moses is working:

$ root@5618c50d37eb:/home/moses# cd sample-models
$ root@5618c50d37eb:/home/moses# ../mosesdecoder/bin/moses -f phrase-model/moses.ini < phrase-model/in
Translating: das ist ein kleines haus
BEST TRANSLATION: this is a small house [11111]  [total=-28.923] core=(-27.091,0.000,-5.000,0.000,-1.833)


As compiling boost is part of building the image, I recommend to have at least 5 GB of RAM.