Microbenchmarks for experimental WasmGC-based Kotlin/Wasm compiler running in V8 against Kotlin/JS.

Adapted from Kotlin/Native project


  1. Build Kotlin from sources

    1. Clone https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin
    2. Set up JDKs and variables
    3. Run ./gradlew install --parallel to publish it to ~/.m2
  2. Get d8 shell. You can use JSVU or build it from sources

  3. Get wasm-opt from https://github.com/WebAssembly/binaryen

  4. Run ./gradlew jsBench wasmBench wasmBenchOpt -Pv8=/path/to/d8 -PwasmOpt=/path/to/wasm-opt

  5. Compare ./build/*.json results using K/N benchmarks analyzer with flag -f