This is an Arduino based project. The goal was to create simple yet usable intervalometer and motor controlled dolly.
If you want he latest not so well tested version, switch to development-branch. Use those files at your own risk, I'm not going to explain what the code does etc.
Please read the wiki, it's contains all the detailed information about components, costs etc.
Blog post about this project in English: Arduino based DIY time-lapse dolly / intervalometer
- Finished. Modifications to code or documentation may occur.
- First intervalometer prototype running version 0.1 code
- Second prototype on PCB
- Third (not a prototype anymore: wooden panel, two displays, assembly done etc.) version
- Fourth (first dolly video, still under construction) version
- Making of the Dolly, some parts from the beginning of the construction
- First field test :D
License: MIT License
author: Olli-Pekka Heinisuo