This is a Visual Studio Code extension,help us insert the head-file guard,like "#ifndef …… #define…… #endif"
This is a Visual Studio Code extension,help us insert the head-file guard,
#ifndef ……
#define ……
How do I use this? (In 10 easy steps)
Note: This section makes the assumption that you have a working installation of Visual Studio Code, and are mildly familiar with it. If you aren't, perhaps you should start here.
Step 0: Open a project in Visual Studio Code
Step 1: Launch the "Quick Open" Interface (Ctrl/Cmd + P)
Step 2: Install the extension using "ext install head-file-guard"
Step 3: Restart VS Code when prompted
Step 4: Open your user [or workspace] settings file (reference)
Step 5: Add the "headFileGuard.type" property to your settings (see below)
Step 6: Add per-language file-header-comment templates (see below)
Step 7: Open a file [from the project you just opened]
Step 8: Re-Launch the "Quick Open" Interface (Ctrl/Cmd + P)
Step 9: Run the extension using "> Insert Head-File-Guard"
Example settings.json file, with extension configuration:
// Place your settings in this file to overwrite the default settings
"headFileGuard.type" : "guid"
This extension is released under an MIT License (just like Visual Studio Code).