Welcome to Bitcoin.org's Codebase
Live site: Bitcoin.org
Report problems or help improve the site by opening a new issue or pull request.
Earn Bitcoin for Contributing
Open issues labeled with "Bounty" have bounties on them. Viewing the issue will reveal the value of the bounty. Submit a pull request resolving the issue along with an accompanying note or comment containing a bitcoin address and automatically receive a payment in the amount of the bounty if it gets merged.
How to Participate
The following quick guides will help you get started:
- Becoming a Contributor
- Working with GitHub
- Setting Up Your Environment
- Improving Developer Documentation
- Assisting with Translations
- Adding Exchanges
- Managing Wallets
- Adding Events, Release Notes and Alerts
- Adding Blog Posts
- Miscellaneous / Other
Code of Conduct
Participation in this project is subject to a Code of Conduct.
Bitcoin.org is community supported: 3FkenCiXpSLqD8L79intRNXUgjRoH9sjXa
Please contact Will Binns (will@bitcoin.org) if you need help.