Tools to use with amazon ssm to send commands to instances
First, add a policy to allow an IAM user or process to execute ssm commands and specify which commands to run on which instances. Here's an example of the setup for running SSM commands on EMR. Note that it's pretty permissive, using the AWS-RunShellScript command, which means the user can execute arbitrary commands. We lock down which instances can run this by using tags.
data "template_file" "emr-ssm-policy" {
# The template provides a generic ssm execution policy
# Below, we will specify which commands can be run on which instances
template = "${file("./policies/ssm-executor.tpl")}"
vars {
# Which command will be allowed to run. Note that AWS-RunShellScript is very broad and
# can be used to execute arbitrary commands on the instance. It's better to replace
# this with a custom script registered in SSM when possible.
allowed_command = "arn:aws:ssm:us-east-1::document/AWS-RunShellScript"
# Bucket where output will be stored
bucket_name = "your-bucket-name"
# Which EC2 instances are allowed to run the command.
# See:
ec2_condition = <<EOF
resource "aws_iam_role_policy" "emr-ssm-executor" {
name = "emr-ssm-executor"
# See emr-ssm-executor.json for how we restrict to a group of instances by tag
policy = "${data.template_file.emr-ssm-policy.rendered}"
role = "${}"
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "*"
"Action": "ssm:SendCommand",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": [
"Action": "ssm:SendCommand",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": [
"Action": "ssm:SendCommand",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": [
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": [
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "*"
"Action": "ec2:Describe*",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "*"
The script is designed to execute a command and then wait for its completion. It will exit with 0 if it completes successfully.
S3_OUTPUT=reverb-command-output \
PROFILE="--profile ssm-emr" \
TARGETS="Key=tag:aws:elasticmapreduce:instance-group-role,Values=MASTER Key=tag:team,Values=data" \
./ ~/
If you don't need an IAM profile, for example if running this on an instance that already has the priveleges required, just omit it:
./ ~/