
Link to nested-headers in Emacs org-mode, via regular expressions.

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


This helper allows you to create links within Org-files that jump to nested sections without the use of header-specific ID properties.


Assume you have a diary which looks like this:

* 01/01/2022
  * Meetings
  * TODO
* 02/02/2022
  * Meetings
  * TODO

Now assume you wish to link to the Meetings section within the 02/02/2022 entry:

  • You cannot simply link to [[Meetings]] because it is not unique.
    • Although you could certainly generate a unique property to allow that link.
  • You could link to [[02/02/2022]] and then search forward to "Meetings"
    • That's what this package allows.

The link you will add would be:



The link will not be visible on any HTML-exports.


Save this file to a directory upon your load-path, and then require it after you've loaded org-mode:

(require 'org-nested-links)

I personally configure org-mode to allow searches for internal links to match sub-strings of headlines, rather than requiring complete matches. This isn't required, but it's a nice companion:

(setq org-link-search-must-match-exact-headline nil)


Please report them as issues.