scheduler is a web application where users can view schedule jobs, update the jobs , create a new job and also delete the job
after cloning the project in cmd write
npm install
after packages are installed , run
npm run dev
| assets folder (where all images are kept)
|components── folder ( Components are what makes up the different parts of your page and can be reused and imported into your pages, layouts and even other components.)
├── AddNewJob.vue
├── DeleteJob.vue
├── EditJob.vue
├── Footer.vue
├── HomeScheduler.vue
├── Navbar.vue
├── ViewSingleJob.vue
|── Layout (any ui added here will be used for all pages, for example (footer and navbar are added here))
|── pages (the pages directory contains your application views and routes)
├── index.vue (home page "/")
├── ADD
├── index.vue (add page "/add")
Home page looks like this
navbar - navbar containe two button, which naviagte to home and add page
notification - whenever job ran successfully , we emit a socket with message from server and then show it on front end
search bar - user can search the job by its name
Add button - on click will take it to Add new job page
A job contain a "name" ,"updated date", "view more button" , "edit job" and "delete job"
By default job is enable, When user click on pause button , that particular job is paused , job will be disbaled untill user resume it back
user can also see more details about the particular job , when they click on the name of that job
- View Single job
Edit Single Job
Save button will be disabled untill all the required fields or error are resolved
- Delete a Job
In this page user can Create a New job
if adding job is success , success notification is opened and if its not the we show red cross mark in fe to show that particular job didnt run succesfully