This is a sample to build an ansible runner container with ubi8.
The ansible runner container will build based on ansible-runner.
- podman
- Python >= 3.6
Clone this repository into your environment and move.
$ git clone
$ cd ansible-runner-with-ubi8-sample/
Build a container image with podman.
Here, I'll set the namespace for the docker hub to push the image to the docker hub.
$ podman build . -t skyjokerxx/ansible-runner-with-ubi8-sample:latest
Login the docker hub with your account after building the image.
$ podman login
Username: enter your account name
Password: enter your account password
Login Succeeded!
Push the builded image to the docker hub.
$ podman push skyjokerxx/ansible-runner-with-ubi8-sample:latest
You can run a playbook with the runner container by using the ansible-navigator.
The following are steps to run a playbook.
Create a virtual environment for python and install the ansible-navigator.
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
(venv)$ pip install ansible-navigator
(venv)$ ansible-runner --version
Run the runner container via the ansible-navigator.
$ ansible-navigator --eei skyjokerxx/ansible-runner-with-ubi8-sample:latest
? Please select an image:
Enter the run command in TUI mode.
You can build an execution environment(EE) with the runner image by using the ansible-builder.
Here example, I'll explain how to build a new EE that included community.vmware.
First, create execution-environment.yml that requires when building.
version: 1
EE_BASE_IMAGE: 'skyjokerxx/ansible-runner-with-ubi8-sample:latest'
galaxy: requirements.yml
python: requirements.txt
Set a base container image to EE_BASE_IMAGE that you'd like to use.
Specify the requirements.yml and requirements.txt to install community.vmware and pyvmomi.
There are still other options, so please see the tool documentation.
- name: community.vmware
Run the ansible-builder command to build a new EE.
$ ansible-builder build -t new-ee:latest
Running command:
podman build -f context/Containerfile -t new-ee:latest context
$ podman images | grep new-ee
localhost/new-ee latest 77f152bfa911 4 minutes ago 864 MB
You can also run a playbook with the EE and ansible-navigator on your local environment even when you will not pull container images from a remote repository.