This project is for rendering form elements and validating user input.
It will NOT:
- Render labels for elements
- Fetch any data
- Submit the form
Which will install nvm and node and run npm install
The usual npm install
(You can install grunt globally and replace all local paths to grunt-cli with just grunt
node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt dev
This will concat the js and start an express server on localhost:3333
with / pointing to the root folder, along with a watcher.
There's a sample page available at localhost:3333/app/sample/index.html
node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt build
node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt build-and-min
The test suite can be launched by triggering the following command:
{path-to-node} node_modules/karma/bin/karma start test/conf/karma.conf.js --browsers=Chrome --reporters=dots
The Wiki space contains a list of references to the Nemo APIs and components. A development guide will be added soon.
To contribute please check the contributing guidelines