
Merge second object to first object just like Object.assign, best to use it with immer.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Merge second object to first object just like Object.assign, best to use it with immer.


npm install @sky0014/deep-merge


import produce from "immer";
import { deepMerge } from "@sky0014/deep-merge";

const a = { a: 1, b: 2, c: { hello: "world" } };

const b = produce(a, (draft) => {
  Object.assign(draft, { c: { hello: "world" } });

const c = produce(a, (draft) => {
  deepMerge(draft, { c: { hello: "world" } }); // equal to draft.c.hello = "world"

const d = produce(a, (draft) => {
  deepMerge(draft, { c: {} }); // d = { a: 1, b: 2, c: { } }

console.log(a === b); // false 内容未变,引用改变
console.log(a === c); // true  内容未变,引用未变
console.log(a === d); // false 内容改变,引用改变

const e = produce(a, (draft) => {
  return deepMerge(draft, { a: 1 }, true); // replace(NOT merge) draft
}); // e = { a: 1 }


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