Merge second object to first object just like Object.assign, best to use it with immer.
npm install @sky0014/deep-merge
import produce from "immer";
import { deepMerge } from "@sky0014/deep-merge";
const a = { a: 1, b: 2, c: { hello: "world" } };
const b = produce(a, (draft) => {
Object.assign(draft, { c: { hello: "world" } });
const c = produce(a, (draft) => {
deepMerge(draft, { c: { hello: "world" } }); // equal to draft.c.hello = "world"
const d = produce(a, (draft) => {
deepMerge(draft, { c: {} }); // d = { a: 1, b: 2, c: { } }
console.log(a === b); // false 内容未变,引用改变
console.log(a === c); // true 内容未变,引用未变
console.log(a === d); // false 内容改变,引用改变
const e = produce(a, (draft) => {
return deepMerge(draft, { a: 1 }, true); // replace(NOT merge) draft
}); // e = { a: 1 }
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