
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

GRobot Build Status

GRobot is still under development and I love to refactor.So,control your risks.

GRobot is a powerful web robot based on gevent. This project comes from Ghost.py,which I have rewrote most of the code inside, and changed its name to GRobot.

import gevent
from grobot import GRobot

def test():
    robot = GRobot()
    assert 'yahoo' in robot.content


What it can and can't do

##Can do##

  • Can set up the socks5/http{s} proxy.
  • Can simulate ALL the operations of hunman beings.
  • Can run webkit plugin.
  • Can evaluate javascript.
  • Can grab the web page as image.
  • Can run on a GUI-Less server(by install xvfb).

##Can't do##

  • Can't operate Flash.
  • Can't run without PyQt and gevent
  • Can't get back http status code.
  • Can't transport human to the Mars.


First you need to install PyQt.

In Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install python-qt4

Install gevent from the development version.

pip install http://gevent.googlecode.com/files/gevent-1.0b3.tar.gz#egg=gevent

Install Flask for unittest(optional).

pip install Flask

Install GRobot using pip.

pip install git+https://github.com/DYFeng/GRobot.git

How to use

##Quick start##

First of all, you need a instance of GRobot in greenlet:

import gevent
from grobot import GRobot

def test():
    robot = GRobot()
    #do something


##Element selector##

Element selector tell GRobot which HTML element a command refers to. The format of a selector is:


We support the following strategies for locating elements:

  • identifier = id : Select the element with the specified @id attribute. If no match is found, select the first element whose @name attribute is id. (This is normally the default; see below.)

  • id = id : Select the element with the specified @id attribute.

  • name = name : Select the first element with the specified @name attribute.

  • xpath = xpathExpression : Locate an element using an XPath expression.

      xpath=//img[@alt='The image alt text']
      xpath=//input[@name='name2' and @value='yes']
  • link = textPattern : Select the link (anchor) element which contains text matching the specified pattern.

      link=The link text
  • css = cssSelectorSyntax : Select the element using css selectors. Please refer to CSS2 selectors for more information.

      css=span#firstChild + span

##Option Selector##

When you using GRobot.select to deal with select tag,option selector tell GRobot which option you want. The format of a selector is:


We support the following strategies for locating elements:

  • text = text : Match options based on their the visible text.(This is normally the default.)
  • id = id : Match options based on their @id attribute.
  • name = name : Match options based on their @name attribute.
  • value = value : Match options based on their values.

##Open a web page##

GRobot provide a method that open web page the following way:


##Execute javascript##

Executing javascripts inside webkit frame is one of the most interesting features provided by GRobot:

result = robot.evaluate( "document.getElementById('my-input').getAttribute('value');")

As many other GRobot methods, you can pass an extra parameter that tells GRobot you expect a page loading:

robot.evaluate( "document.getElementById('link').click();", expect_loading=True)

###Type the text### Simulating human typing.

robot.type('id=blog_content',u'Hello,world.I'm Tom.\n你好,世界.我是无名氏\n')

Type key by key,only ASCII character allowed.

robot.key_clicks('id=blog_content','Hello,world.\rToday is good for sleep.')

###Select options###

Select options those match selector from select tag.

Single selectbox.


Multiple selectbox.


###Set the checkbox###

You can specify the state of checkbox.

Check it.


Uncheck it.


###Click something###

Click the first element which selected by selector.


Click a point of the absolute position (1500,36).


###Move the mouse###

Move your mouse to first element which selected by selector.


Move your mouse to the absolute position (500,300).


###Setup input file###

Selenium can't access the <input type='file'/> tag.You can't use selenium to set up a file type input.

robot.choose_file('id=file-upload', '/tmp/file')


GRobot provides several methods for waiting for specific things before the script continue execution:


That wait until a new page is loaded.



That wait until a element match the given css selector.

result = robot.wait_for_selector("ul.results")


That wait until the given text exists inside the frame.

result = robot.wait_for_text("My result")

Sample use case

###Post a twitter###

import gevent
import logging
from grobot import GRobot

USERNAME = 'your twitter username'
PASSWORD = 'your twitter password'

def main():

    robot = GRobot(display=True, log_level=logging.DEBUG, develop=False)


    robot.click("xpath=//td/button[contains(text(),'Sign in')]",expect_loading=True)

    #Post a twitter
    robot.key_clicks("id=tweet-box-mini-home-profile","GRobot is too powerful.https://github.com/DYFeng/GRobot")

    #Wait for post success
    while 1:
        robot.click("xpath=//div[@class='module mini-profile']//button[text()='Tweet']")
            robot.wait_for_text('Your Tweet was posted')
        except :
            #Something go wrong,refresh page.
            if 'refresh the page' in robot.content:

    # Wait forever.

if __name__ == '__main__':

###Browsing Google.com and find GRobot project###

import gevent
import logging
from grobot import GRobot

def main():

    # Show the browser window.Open the webkit inspector.
    robot = GRobot(display=True, develop=False, log_level=logging.DEBUG, loading_timeout=10, operate_timeout=10)

    # In China,people can only using proxy to access google.

    #Open google

    #Type out project and search.
    robot.type('name=q','GRobot github')
    robot.click('name=btnK', expect_loading=True)

    for i in xrange(1, 10):
        # Waiting for the ajax page loading.

        robot.wait_for_xpath("//tr/td[@class='cur' and text()='%s']" % i)

        if u'https://github.com/DYFeng/GRobot' in robot.content:
            print 'The porject in page', i

        # Click the Next link.We don't use expect_loading.Because it's ajax loading,not page loading.

        print "Can not found.Make a promotion for it."

    # Wait forever.

if __name__ == '__main__':