
Docker image packaging for oxTrust

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A docker image version of oxTrust.

Latest Stable Release

The latest stable release is gluufederation/oxtrust:3.1.3_01. Click here for archived versions.


This image uses its own versioning/tagging format.


For example, gluufederation/oxtrust:3.1.3_01 consists of:

  • gluufederation/oxtrust as <IMAGE_NAME>: the actual image name
  • 3.1.3 as GLUU-SERVER-VERSION: the Gluu Server version as setup reference


Pull the image:

docker pull gluufederation/oxtrust:3.1.3_01

Environment Variables

  • GLUU_KV_HOST: hostname or IP address of Consul.
  • GLUU_KV_PORT: port of Consul.
  • GLUU_LDAP_URL: URL to LDAP in host:port format string (i.e.; multiple URLs can be used using comma-separated value (i.e.,
  • GLUU_CUSTOM_OXTRUST_URL: URL to downloadable custom oxTrust files packed using .tar.gz format.
  • GLUU_OXAUTH_BACKEND: the address of oxAuth backend, default to localhost:8081
  • GLUU_SHIB_SOURCE_DIR: absolute path to directory to copy Shibboleth config from (default to /opt/shibboleth-idp)
  • GLUU_SHIB_TARGET_DIR: absolute path to directory to copy Shibboleth config to (default to /opt/shared-shibboleth-idp)


  1. /opt/gluu/jetty/identity/custom/pages directory
  2. /opt/gluu/jetty/identity/custom/static directory
  3. /opt/gluu/jetty/identity/lib/ext directory

Running The Container

Here's an example to run the container:

docker run -d \
    --name oxtrust \
    -e GLUU_KV_HOST=consul.example.com \
    -e GLUU_KV_PORT=8500 \
    -e GLUU_LDAP_URL=ldap.example.com:1636 \
    -v $PWD/shared-shibboleth-idp:/opt/shared-shibboleth-idp \

NOTE: the use of -v $PWD/shared-shibboleth-idp:/opt/shared-shibboleth-idp is required if we want to add oxShibboleth container. See oxShibboleth's Design Decisions section for details.

Customizing oxTrust

oxTrust can be customized by providing HTML pages, static resource files (i.e. CSS), or JAR libraries. Refer to https://gluu.org/docs/ce/3.1.3/operation/custom-design/ for an example on how to customize oxTrust.

There are 2 ways to run oxTrust with custom files:

  1. Pass GLUU_CUSTOM_OXTRUST_URL environment variable; the container will download and extract the file into appropriate location before running the application.

    docker run -d \
        --name oxtrust \
        -e GLUU_KV_HOST=consul.example.com \
        -e GLUU_KV_PORT=8500 \
        -e GLUU_LDAP_URL=ldap.example.com:1636 \
        -e GLUU_CUSTOM_OXTRUST_URL=http://files.example.com/resources/custom-oxtrust.tar.gz \
        -v $PWD/shared-shibboleth-idp:/opt/shared-shibboleth-idp \

    The .tar.gz file must consist of following directories:

    ├── lib
    │   └── ext
    ├── pages
    └── static
  2. Map volumes from host to container.

    docker run -d \
        --name oxtrust \
        -e GLUU_KV_HOST=consul.example.com \
        -e GLUU_KV_PORT=8500 \
        -e GLUU_LDAP_URL=ldap.example.com:1636 \
        -v $PWD/custom/pages:/opt/gluu/jetty/identity/custom/pages \
        -v $PWD/custom/static:/opt/gluu/jetty/identity/custom/static \
        -v $PWD/custom/lib/ext:/opt/gluu/jetty/identity/lib/ext \
        -v $PWD/shared-shibboleth-idp:/opt/shared-shibboleth-idp \