🦁 A Disney app using transformation motions based on MVVM (ViewModel, Coroutines, Flow, Room, Repository, Koin) architecture.
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How to handle data structures like BaseResponse
#17 opened by fqz100 - 2
Adjust the color of the status bar to match the prominent background color of image.
#5 opened by cleverSheep - 1
Please help me this error
#11 opened by tranminhquan536 - 1
Animation does not start
#6 opened by cleverSheep - 2
Crash when select first item
#9 opened by derohimat - 2
How does this project compare to your other project MarvelHeroes in terms of Architecture esp MVVM side
#8 opened by rinav - 2
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Tests to be added
#2 opened by jaydeepw - 2