🌠Transform between two Views, Activities, and Fragments, or a View to a Fragment with container transform animations for Android.
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How to start transformationActivity without previous Activity or Fragment has TrasformationLayout
#48 opened by Woochang4862 - 0
Layout completely gone on quick back press
#47 opened by rahmetolmez - 1
e: java.lang.IllegalStateException: SimpleTypeImpl should not be created for error type: ErrorScope{Error scope for class <ERROR CLASS> with arguments: org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.IndexedParametersSubstitution@1d5f0d39}
#43 opened by MrAndroi - 1
Jetpack Compose Support
#39 opened by obvionaoe - 2
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The dialog goes away when another activity or fragment comes to the foreground.
#28 opened by Carrieukie - 1
#26 opened by wolfheros - 2
Animation is misplaced and jitters abnormally
#25 opened by sangsais - 1
Nested transitions
#23 opened by Bryanx - 3
Animation Glitch when back button is pressed
#24 opened by AdamLBS - 1
When the app is running in the background
#18 opened by Andy957 - 1
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It not working with navigation component
#20 opened by sunny0092 - 6
Animation flashes when background is white
#17 opened by fefereliezer - 2
Transition for DialogFragment
#16 opened by XWayne - 1
Navigation UI
#4 opened by ebekerman - 5
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Duplicate Value
#15 opened by satriawarn - 1
Is there any other animation effect
#13 opened by Android-wangmeng - 5
Material latest version is not supported
#10 opened by AydroidDev - 5
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Transistion for Alert Dialog.
#8 opened by Dnyaneshwar1926 - 1
kotlin to Java?
#6 opened by ysj40540 - 2
how to use between fragment?
#3 opened by sunyimeng - 1
Material design dependency
#5 opened by ArifAli-0 - 2
API Level 19
#2 opened by nicemak - 2
Activity A to Activity B
#1 opened by zhangqifan1