Buildpack for SBCL on Heroku.
Write a file named build.lisp in the root of your source tree to build the system.
(log-title "Building system ...")
(ql:quickload :any-thing-you-want)
(log-footer "")
(Optional) Write a file named build.env in the root of your source tree to define environment variables.
export SBCL_VERSION="sbcl-1.3.17-x86-64-linux"
Write a file named Procfile in the root of your source tree to start the server.
web: sbcl --script web-launcher.lisp
Write a file named web-launcher.lisp in the root of your source tree for Procfile to execute.
(require :asdf)
(defvar *port* (parse-integer (asdf::getenv "PORT")))
(load "root/quicklisp/setup.lisp")
(require :web-server)
(web-server:start :port *port*)