
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Team Members

Ke Wang

Weiyi Li

Ji Yoon Lee

Weiqiang Zheng

Project Summary:

With the growing popularity of streaming music platforms such as Pandora, Spotify, Apple music, automatic playlist continuation (APC) has drawn increasing attention in recent years. In this project, we use collected online data through Spotify API and AIcrowd competitions to provide musical recommendations for users. Users may submit their keywords or playlist history and our application will return a list of songs based on their preferences.


Data collected through Spotify API Spotify Million Playlist Dataset [1]

References: [1] C.W. Chen, P. Lamere, M. Schedl, and H. Zamani. Recsys Challenge 2018: Automatic Music Playlist Continuation. In Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys ’18), 2018.

Milestone1: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1de32LH4Hy4RmW8_XidgYuf_C24S3S8g-Xj6eMHdbHi0/edit#