
Skyes's react toolbox enhancement. Just playing around to try new technologies in react ecosystem.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Skyes Lab

Skyes lab is my personal way to learn, exercise and experiment new technologies in react ecosystem. Nothing special about it, just a random app that using various library and concept that I try to learn and implement so it can be added to my toolbox.

List of Tools


  1. Reducer Hooks
  2. Context API
  3. Pagination


  1. Tailwindcss (for styling of course)
  2. Mathjs (calculate my lazy Calculator app, wkwk)
  3. Nanoid (generate random id for my todo app)
  4. React Icons (exactly)
  5. Axios (create http request / simple way)
  6. React Query (create http request and caching / advanced way)
  7. Framer Motion (create cool animation)
  8. React Spring (create cool animation too)
  9. Typescript (static typing)
  10. React Particles (create particles commponent, usually for hero section)
  11. React Wrap Balancer (balancing text for different view port)
  12. Zod {schema declaration and validation}
  13. React Hook Form {straightforward form handling}
  14. Redux Toolkit (react state management library)
  15. Shadcn/ui (component library)