Skyes lab is my personal way to learn, exercise and experiment new technologies in react ecosystem. Nothing special about it, just a random app that using various library and concept that I try to learn and implement so it can be added to my toolbox.
- Reducer Hooks
- Context API
- Pagination
- Tailwindcss (for styling of course)
- Mathjs (calculate my lazy Calculator app, wkwk)
- Nanoid (generate random id for my todo app)
- React Icons (exactly)
- Axios (create http request / simple way)
- React Query (create http request and caching / advanced way)
- Framer Motion (create cool animation)
- React Spring (create cool animation too)
- Typescript (static typing)
- React Particles (create particles commponent, usually for hero section)
- React Wrap Balancer (balancing text for different view port)
- Zod {schema declaration and validation}
- React Hook Form {straightforward form handling}
- Redux Toolkit (react state management library)
- Shadcn/ui (component library)