
Hot patch support for Golang runtime

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

hotgo - Hot Patch support for Go


Hotgo is a Go language pack used to provide hot patching capabilities for applications.

Getting started

  1. Enable applications to support hot patches.

Start the hot patch http server in the application:

httpServer := hotgo.HPHttpServer()
l, _ := net.Listen("tcp", ":8080")
http.Serve(l, httpServer)

Or rpc server:

rpcserver := hotgo.HPRpcServer()
rpcserver.HandleHTTP("/hp", "/hpdebug")
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", rpcserver)

In order to prevent the compiler from optimizing the symbols, it is recommended to add the parameter -gcflags= "-N -l" when compiling.

  1. Make hot patch file.

Hot patch files are actually so files supported by go plugin, which can be compiled using the command parameter --buildmode=plugin.

  1. Use http requests or rpc calls to load hot patches.

Take http as an example:

curl -d '{
    "hp_file": "./hp.so",    
    "replace_config": {
    "ref_config": {
        "Global": "main.globalValue",
        "Func2Ref": "main.func2"

Interface description

  1. Hotgo provides the following function interfaces
  • func LoadHP(config Config) (hpID string, errret error)

    A hot patch is loaded with the specified configuration, and a hot patch ID is returned for success, and an error message is returned for failure.

  • func UnloadHP(hpID string) (errret error)

    Uninstall the hot patch for the specified ID, and the failure returns the cause of the error.

  • func HPHttpServer() http.Handler

    Create a hot patch HttpServer that uses the http protocol to access the hot patch load and unload interface (this interface returns only one Handler and needs to be serviced by the self-listening port).

  • func HPRpcServer() *rpc.Server

    Create a RpcServer to access the hot patch load and unload interface using the http protocol.

    This API is the same as HPHttpServer, and only returns one Server. You need to monitor and provide services by yourself.

  • func GetHPInfo() []HPInfo

    Gets the hot patch information that is currently loaded.

  1. Hotgo provides the following exposed structures
type Config struct {
	HPFile        string            `json:"hp_file"`
	ReplaceConfig map[string]string `json:"replace_config"`
	RefConfig     map[string]string `json:"ref_config"`

The configuration required to load the hot patch.

  • HPFile: the path where hot patch files are stored.
  • ReplaceConfig: replace the mapping table.

The mapped key is the symbol name in the hot patch and the value is the symbol name that needs to be replaced in the running program.

  • RefConfig: reference mapping table.

The mapped key is the symbol name in the hot patch, and the value is the symbol name to be referenced in the running program.

type LoadRequest Config

LoadRequest is an alias for the Config structure and is used for the parameters of the http or rpc interface.

type UnloadRequest struct {
	HPID string `json:"hp_id"`

UnloadRequest is the type of parameter required by the hot patch uninstall interface. HPID is the value returned by the load interface.

type LoadResponse struct {
	HPID  string `json:"hp_id"`
	Error string `json:"error"`

Return type of the interface function for loading hot patches over HTTP or RPC. HPID is the HOT patch ID returned by the hot patch loading interface. Error is loading Error information.

type UnloadResponse struct {
	Error string `json:"error"`

Indicates the return type of the HTTP or RPC interface for unloading hot patches. Error indicates an uninstalling Error message.

type InfoRequest struct{}

Parameter type of the interface for querying hot patch information. The parameter type is mainly provided for RPC and is meaningless.

type InfoResponse struct {
	Info []HPInfo `json:"info"`

Hot patch information Indicates the return type of the interface for querying hot patch information. Info indicates the hot patch information slice.

type HPInfo struct {
	HPID   string `json:"hp_id"`
	Config Config `json:"config"`

Hot patch information.

  1. HOOK

Hotgo can add a callback function before and after loading and unloading hot patches. The function name is:

  • HPBeforeLoad
  • HPAfterLoad
  • HPBeforeUnload
  • HPAfterUnload

These four callback functions can be defined in the hot patch implementation file and called before and after the hot patch is loaded / unloaded, respectively. The function prototypes are all func () error.


The example code for the hot patch is located in the example directory.

main directory is the main program.

package main

import (


var globalValue int = 100

func func1() {
	fmt.Printf("func1: %d\n", globalValue)

func func2() {
	fmt.Printf("func2: %d\n", globalValue)

func main() {
	ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
	go func() {
		for range ticker.C {

	httpServer := hotgo.HPHttpServer()
	l, _ := net.Listen("tcp", ":8080")
	http.Serve(l, httpServer)

The program calls func1 every second, and prints the value of the global variable globalValue in the function func1.

The hot patch source files under the patch directory:

package main

var Global *int

var Func2Ref func()

func NewFunc1() {
	println("New Func: ", *Global)
	*Global += 15

func HPBeforeLoad() error {
	println("HPBeforeLoad called")
	return nil

func HPAfterLoad() error {
	println("HPAfterLoad called")
	return nil

func HPBeforeUnload() error {
	println("HPBeforeUnload called")
	return nil

func HPAfterUnload() error {
	println("HPAfterUnload called")
	return nil

Execute the script compile_and_ run.sh to compile and run.

Use curl to load hot patches through the http interface.

curl -d '{
    "hp_file": "./hp.so",    
    "replace_config": {
    "ref_config": {
        "Global": "main.globalValue",
        "Func2Ref": "main.func2"

The API returns the ID of the hot patch, as follows:


Observe the behavior of the program, which has changed.

Then use curl to view the hot patch that is currently loaded through the HTTP interface.


The result is as follows:


Then use curl to unload the hot patch through the http interface.

curl -d '{
    "hp_id": "adc68ba7bb59e583a7ccd52d6d99a4c3686075dde3649ae323994bf394eb89c6"

The returned result is as follows:


The program has restored its original execution logic.

Points for attention

There are different ways to reference variables and functions in the original application. The function is directly defined as the same signature as in the original program, but the variable needs to be defined as a pointer type of the corresponding type in the original program. Refer to the definitions of NewFunc1 and Global variables in example. This is designed because the function is read-only, so you can copy the value to the patch, but the global variable may need to be modified, so you need to copy the address of the variable (otherwise two variables).

Known issues

  1. Non-concurrent security
  2. Since plugin does not support close, the unloaded hot patch cannot be removed from memory.
  3. Plugin loading so with the same path will only load the first time, so the hot patch cannot be reloaded under the same path after modification.