
Facebook gallery photo picker for Ionic 2

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Facebook gallery photo picker for Ionic 2


  • Create Ionic project
  • Install cordova-plugin-facebook4 by this command
$ ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-facebook4 --variable APP_ID="123456789" --variable APP_NAME="myApplication"

Find more details here https://ionicframework.com/docs/v2/native/facebook/

  • Copy ionic2-fb-gallery module folder to app folder
  • Import FbModule to your app base @NgModule


  • Call init() method of SocialApiService class object. Example here:
    constructor( private socialApi:SocialApiService ) {
        this.socialApi.subscribeToStatusChange( ()=>{ /* onApiReady(); */  }, SocialApiService.getApiStatus_appUser() );

This plugin use ionic2-fb-api plugin to connect with Facebook. Please take a look to ionic2-fb-api documentation for more info.

  • You have 2 options to open Facebook gallery photo picker dialog

    • Call FbGallery init function. It takes your callback as it's only parameter. Example here:
        constructor( private fbGallery:FbGallery ) {}
        public chooseFromFacebook():void{
          this.fbGallery.init((url, name)=>{
            /* do something here */
    • Use fb-gallery directive. Example here:

      HTML file

          <button ion-button block icon-left [fb-gallery]="facebookGalleryCallback()">
            <ion-icon name="logo-facebook"></ion-icon>
            Choose from Facebook

      TypeScript file

          public facebookGalleryCallback():any{
            return (url, name)=>{
              /* do something here */


ionic2-fb-api DEMO

Thats all.