
Bootique Air MX Tracking system, built with Django and Vue

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Boutique Air MX Tracking System

Deployment using fabric

Project has deployment setup to deploy using fabric and docker on staging/production server, so please follow these steps to configure deployment parameters.

Note that current configuration sets up on ubuntu 16.

  • Put your SSH key pair (for connecting to server) into deploy/ssh/staging or deploy/ssh/production folder. Private key as id_rsa, public key as id_rsa.pub.
  • Generate SSH key pair of remote server (for pulling from git) and link public key of the pair to any bitbucket account that can access the repo
  • Copy fabric_settings.py from fabric_settings.py.example file and fill the parameters.
  • Now you're ready to use fab command line tool to start deployment process.
  • Deploy commands
    • Run fab staging bootstrap - Only for the first time to setup environment
    • Run fab staging deploy - Deploy latest code to server when using docker
    • specify staging or production based on fabric settings
  • To setup super user of django admin = open shell inside docker: fab staging shell = run the command python manage.py createsuperuser
  • To test dockerized production environment on local, run these command:
    • Run ./bin/dc_build_local
    • Then run ./bin/dc_up_local
    • If you want to stop docker, run ./bin/dc_down_local
    • If you want to run manage.py on docker server, run ./bin/dc_m with arguments

Local development

To run the application on local for development, please follow these steps.

Configure database connection

  • In [project folder]/mxtracking directory, copy local_settings.py.example to local_settings.py
  • Set Database and Redis configuration

Run the project

  • Activate virtual environment
  • Go to project root directory
  • Run pip install -r requirements/local.txt to install local development dependencies (which includes test libraries in addition to main dependencies.)
  • Run python manage.py makemigrations inspection home routeplanning to create migrations
  • Run python manage.py migrate to migrate database
  • Load fixtures (See below)
  • Run python manage.py runserver to run project

Build front end

  • Install node
  • Run npm install to install dependencies
  • Run npm run watch to watch and compile resource changes

Initial project configuration

  • Run python manage.py createsuperuser to create an admin
  • Login to http://localhost:8000/admin to enter django admin
  • Add Site model with site name localhost
  • Add Social auth application as Google with api key and secret
  • You'll be likely seeing Not enough permissions when trying to access front end with created account. To fix this you need to set user role in admin/User Profiles.

Load fixures

  • Run this command to load fixtures: ./bin/load_all_data
  • After running this command, load flights CSV file in front end: Route Planning Gantt -> Flights page.

Run test

  • Run tests on back end: ./bin/test_back_end
  • Run tests on back end with coverage report: ./bin/test_back_end_with_coverage
  • Test front end Vue.js components: ./bin/test_front_end or npm run test (test_front_end tool is actually alias to npm run test)