Download it from the latest release page
If you're using MacOS, you can install protoc with brew:
brew install protobuf
by the way, you can also install clang-format for formating the proto files.
brew install clang-format
and run following command to format the protobuf files
clang-format -i greet/*.proto
go install
go install
It's used for generating X509 certificates
go install
you can also use OpenSSL, but it will become more complex :)
protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative greet/*.proto
cfssl selfsign -config cfssl.json --profile rootca "Dev Testing CA" csr.json | cfssljson -bare root
you will get 3 files:
- root.csr ROOT CA CSR(you may don't need it)
- root-key.pem ROOT CA key
- root.pem ROOT CA certificate
the cfss.json
here is a configuration file for cfssl, if you would like use your own cfss.json
and csr.json
, please check out the cfssl documentation for the deails.
cfssl genkey csr.json | cfssljson -bare server
cfssl genkey csr.json | cfssljson -bare client
you will get 4 files:
- server.csr Server CSR
- server-key.pem Server key
- client.csr Client CSR
- client-key.pem Client key
the CSR files will be used for signing new certificate
cfssl sign -ca root.pem -ca-key root-key.pem -config cfssl.json -profile server server.csr | cfssljson -bare server
cfssl sign -ca root.pem -ca-key root-key.pem -config cfssl.json -profile client client.csr | cfssljson -bare client
you will get your server and client certificates
- server.pem
- client.pem
mkdir -p dist
go build -o ./dist ./cmd/...
$ ./dist/server
2022/07/21 22:18:20 listening on 6443
2022/07/21 22:18:26 request certificate subject: CN=client
$ ./dist/client