
Visual Studio Code package for Doomsday Engine languages: Info, Doomsday Script, and Amethyst.

MIT LicenseMIT

Doomsday Engine Syntax Highlighting

Doomsday Engine uses a few different definition languages for resources and other data. This package provides syntax highlighting for DED definitions, Info (Snowberry add-on metadata), Doomsday Script, and Amethyst documentation sources.

Change log


  • Removed the obsolete "export" keyword from the Doomsday Script syntax.


  • Recognize "inherits" when it is used as an Info attribute after the block name.
  • Changed classification of Info block types and names.
  • Improved accuracy of Info highlighting.


  • Fixed an issue with recognizing DED block structures.


  • Added basic syntax for DED definitions. Not all features of DED are recognized.


  • Initial version with Info, Doomsday Script, and Amethyst syntax.