
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

basic Web app start kit

This is a self-build starter that can work with both webpack and express - nodemon for hot reloadiing. There is no dev server on this webpack.

To run this, do: npm install

afther that we need to run webpack --watch on one terminal and running nodemon on another terminal. Both are written inside the script so they can run from npm. Now you can see new page by reloading it after changing the code.

This is only a temporary solution. My goal is a hot reload combination of webpack and express.

P1: working on online mongodata base Create an online mongoose database Create an login page Set up file system

        public: bundle.js + index.html - the one that get display
        src: index.js  Main js that bind React component
           components: react components app.js...
        controller: controllers, middleware for the server
        models: database models
        dbConnection: where you set the dbConnection
        server.js: server file

Create a server at port 3000 with listen
Set up an server that accept post request and response json data
Run the server to test
Send post request with login and password, the server response json data

Write test for it ?
    Write unit to test the data base function (controllers)
    Test server - Done
    Test front-end (html file)
    Test React component

P2: Initial setup
Build mongo data base with 3 seperate files dbConnection - set up connection: either local or online models - where all models are contained userModels - set up users collection in db with schema

Create controller for the user / 
Create add user controller /
Create look up user controller /
Create get users the controllers/
Add password checking /

Test 2 above function with postman /
Test 2 above function with ajax request/

Set up test for the controller, database/

result Have database and controller working/

p3: Set up React component structure app Signup - sign up data with form login - login in data with form Secret - display all the data

With react-router 4 and arrow funciton to pass props from app to signup, login, secret
<Route exact path='/' component={() => (<Login value='life' handleClick={() => this.handleClick()} />)}/>

Server will reply differently to seperate different route redirect. A couple option is: reply with statusCode, reply with route, reply with render, reply with string, reply with statusCode and string. /

Use react-router 4 to seperate route redirect. /

Add redirect to the login page /

Note: add test for error too ( wrong input type ?)
      seperate server running on test

Fetch data from server with '/get' request and /

React router path and get request/

Learn how to 

Build route with react router
Build a sign up html page with react router?


Add authencation, bcrypt, cookie, session