Please use this youtube link to see the employee tracker in action

Phase 1

Build DB

  • department:
    • id - INT PRIMARY KEY
    • name - VARCHAR(30) to hold department name
  • role:
    • id - INT PRIMARY KEY
    • title - VARCHAR(30) to hold role title
    • salary - DECIMAL to hold role salary
    • department_id - INT to hold reference to department role belongs to
  • employee:
    • id - INT PRIMARY KEY
    • first_name - VARCHAR(30) to hold employee first name
    • last_name - VARCHAR(30) to hold employee last name
    • role_id - INT to hold reference to role employee has

Phase 2

Setup and read data

  • npm init
  • npm install mysql inquirer
  • mysql connection/connect
  • prompt user - view department, view roles, view employees, exit
  • based on what they chose, call the appropriate function
  • view departments - select * from departments
  • view roles - select * from roles
  • view employees - select * from employee
  • exit - close connnection

Phase 3

Add data

  1. update initial prompt and ask use what they want to input
  2. add department
  • a) ask the user for a name
  • b) insert name into department
  1. add role
  • a) get all departments
  • b) ask user which department
  • c) ask the user for title and salary
  • d) insert title, salary, department_id into role
  1. add employee
  • a) get all roles
  • b) ask user which role
  • c) ask user for first_name, last_name
  • d) insert first_name, last_name, role_id into employee

Phase 4

Update data

  1. update initial prompt by adding option to update employee's role
  2. update role
  • a) get all employees
  • b) get all roles
  • c) ask user which employee
  • d) ask user what's the new role
  • e) update employee's role in the employee table