
Coding Challenge for Developer Positions

DOSE Developer Coding Challenge

This is your opportunity to show us what you are capabale of! We are looking for developers who :

  • Write clean, well structured code
  • Have attention to detail
  • Can solve difficult problems
  • Are creative

Introducing DOSE Digital Assistant

For this coding challenge you're going to take on Siri, Alexa, and Google!

Create a single page web application that takes a voice command such as "DOSE, show me music" or "DOSE, show me food". The application will then redirect the user to the appropriate tag page on dose.com : music, food

It turns out you won't exactly be taking on Google for this challange as you'll be using one of their products for the voice recognition part of it. API.AI is a free service that provides voice recognition capabilities via an API. You'll need to create a free account there and then get started with the appropriate SDK.

Submitting Your Solution

To submit your code challenge:

  • Store your solution at your favorite git host (like github or bitbucket).
  • Once complete, email ablondeau@dose.com and brenna@dose.com with a link to the repository.

Bonus Points

Here's how to get bonus ponts:

  • Host the project on something like GitHub Pages.
  • Include good documentation on how to build and run your app.
  • Provide tests for your app.
  • Use Vue.js and Bootstrap for the UI (that's what we use here).
  • Make your app as compact as possible using something like [Webpack])[https://webpack.github.io/] or Rollup.


There are two ways to do the speech recognition.
The first is to use webkitSpeechRecognition which is used in the demo code snippet that the API.AI docs point to. This method will only work on Chrome (and maybe Opera) browsers. This document may be more useful than the JS/HTML5 example that API.AI provides in converting voice to text : https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2013/01/Voice-Driven-Web-Apps-Introduction-to-the-Web-Speech-API

The second way is to use the ApiAiStreamClient (recommended). This method doesn't have the best documentation, but these will get you pointed in the right direction. https://github.com/api-ai/apiai-javascript-client https://github.com/api-ai/apiai-javascript-client/blob/master/ts/Stream/StreamClient.ts

Along with this code snippet

import {ApiAiClient, ApiAiStreamClient} from 'api-ai-javascript';
const client = new ApiAiClient({accessToken: 'YOUR API.AI CLIENT TOKEN HERE', streamClientClass: ApiAiStreamClient});


startStream() {
    // Method 2 - Use stream client
    if(this.streamClient) {

    this.streamClient = client.createStreamClient({
        onInit: () => {
        onOpen: () => {

            // It looks like the stream doesn't stop on it's own after a match, so 
            // help things along by stopping after a set period of time.
            setTimeout(() => {
            }, 4000);
        onClose: () => {
        onStartListening: () => {
            this.error = "";
            this.speech = "";
            this.listening = true;
            this.event_count = 0;
        onStopListening: () => {
            this.listening = false;
        onResults: (arg) => {
            console.log("onResults", arg);
            if((arg) && (arg.result) && (arg.result.speech)) {
                this.result = arg.result.speech;
            if((arg) && (arg.result) && (arg.result.resolvedQuery)) {
                this.speech = arg.result.resolvedQuery;
        onEvent: (code, message) => {
            console.log("onEvent : "+code+" - ", message);
            this.event_count = this.event_count + 1;


        onError: (code, message) => {
            console.log("onEvent : "+code+" - ", message);

stopStream() {
    if((this.streamClient) && (this.listening)) {

closeStream() {
    if(this.streamClient) {
        if((this.streamClient) && (this.listening)) {
        this.streamClient = null;