
Full Stack Sport Highlights App

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION

Links To My Client-Side Application, Deployed Client App, And Deployed Api

sport-client sport-api deployed client deployed api



A List Of My API Routes

For User

Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action
POST /sign-up users#signup
POST /sign-in users#signin
PATCH /change-password/:id users#changepw
DELETE /sign-out/:id users#signout

For Favorites

Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action
GET /favorites favorites#index
POST /favorites favorites#create

For Favorite

Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action
GET /favorites/:id favorites#show
DELETE /favorites/:id favorites#destroy


Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action
GET /highlights highlight#index

For Users And User

Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action
GET /users users#index
GET /users/:id users#show

Installation Instructions - To Access YouTube APIs

Repo - Ruby Client for the YouTube API Documentation - Ruby Gems Yt

  1. I have put into Gemfile gem 'yt', '~> 0.28.0'
  2. I have run in the terminal bundle install to get a version yt 0.28.5
  3. I created at [Google Developers Console] (https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials/key/101?project=sport-highlights-162617) a new project called Sport Highlights and created under Credentials unique API key for my project.


Installed with bundle install.

Installation For Setting Up The Project

  1. I have Downloaded this template.

  2. Unzipped and renamed the template directory.

  3. I filled README.md with my own content of development process.

  4. I moved into the new project and did git init.

  5. Installed dependencies with bundle install.

  6. Renamed my app module in config/application.rb (change RailsApiTemplate).

  7. Renamed my project database in config/database.yml (change 'rails-api-template').

  8. Created a .env for sensitive settings (touch .env).

  9. Generated new development and test secrets (bundle exec rake secret).

  10. Stored them in .env with keys as: SECRET_KEY_BASE_DEVELOPMENT= SECRET_KEY_BASE_TEST=

  11. In order to make requests to my deployed API, I needed to set heroku variables: heroku config:set SECRET_KEY_BASE=$(rake secret) heroku config:set SECRET_TOKEN=$(rake secret)

  12. In order to make requests from my deployed client application, I set CLIENT_ORIGIN in the environment of the production API (e.g. heroku config:set CLIENT_ORIGIN=https://skylarkj.github.io).

  13. Then I setup my database with bin/rake db:nuke_pave.

  14. I tested the API server with running in the terminal: bin/rails server.

    Resetting Database without dropping


    bin/rake db:migrate VERSION=0
    bin/rake db:migrate db:seed db:examples


    heroku run rake db:migrate VERSION=0
    heroku run rake db:migrate db:seed db:examples

Explanations Of The Technologies Used

I have used javascript front end framework Ember.js while Ruby on Rails on the back end. YouTube highlights are rendered in the browser through a controller in the backend - making queries to YouTube APIs.

A Couple Paragraphs About The General Approach I Took

I have picked to build an application that would solve the inconvinient jumping of sport fans of any kinds from one application to another to catch up on sport highlights in their busy lives. Now with the mind of 4 days to complete a project I decided to go with highlights for just NHL teams. There are 30 teams available and all highligts accessible from YouTube APIs. The search is sorted from the top to bottom according to the latest upload. In the future I would like to store third party APIs from several sources for several team sports.

Descriptions Of Ay Unsolved Problems Or Major Hurdles You Had To Overcome

The major hurdle was a deployment of Ember client side to the GH-pages. In terms of own development, I had a problem for some time to figure out how to use YouTube Apis because their main source of documentation is not current. I have found a repo on GitHub for YouTube APIs which worked. Also, YouTube is giving a search result of 100 000 items so I had to figure out how to limit that to just 25 items. Another issue - I created a model with videoId at first instead of video_id so it took me also for a while to realize why the youTube doesn't catch the request fo the video highlight. Then I had to correct that in every file which was annoying.

Both Client And Api Repositories Must Be Pinned On Your GitHub Page

pinned client and api repositories


rails-api - includes authentication


ember auth


Curl Test For Search

I have creaded one more script called search.sh to test the API for YouTube NHL Hockey. It can be found under scripts/search.sh content:


curl "${API}${URL_PATH}" \
  --include \
  --request GET #\
  # --header "Authorization: Token token=$TOKEN"


And this is the curl response in the terminal:

$ sh ./scripts/search.sh
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
ETag: W/"c8c1641cb514dfb8b63ca58f685a9785"
Cache-Control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
X-Request-Id: 0e077a32-b12a-4d68-b4b8-2780d7d70b75
X-Runtime: 3.279595
Vary: Origin
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

Search: List - Explanations And A Little Snippets Of Code

By default youtube search result identifies video, channel and playlist resources. But I configured queries to only get a specific type of resource. In the app/controllers/higlight-controller.js I have picked videos = Yt::Collections::Videos.new and videos.where(q: 'Fullscreen CreatorPlatform', safe_search: 'none').size #=> 324 from this snippet:


Use Yt::Collections::Videos to:

search for videos
videos = Yt::Collections::Videos.new
videos.where(order: 'viewCount').first.title #=>  "PSY - GANGNAM STYLE"
videos.where(q: 'Fullscreen CreatorPlatform', safe_search: 'none').size #=> 324
videos.where(chart: 'mostPopular', video_category_id: 44).first.title #=> "SINISTER - Trailer"
videos.where(id: 'jNQXAC9IVRw,invalid').map(&:title) #=> ["Fullscreen Creator Platform"]

source: Documentation - Ruby Gems Yt

My snippet of searching for NHL team and getting back 25 results instead as default 100 000:

videos = Yt::Collections::Videos.new

render json: videos.where(q: params[:query] + ' NHL Team').take(25)

List Of Yt::Video Methods Available

video.id # => "BPNYv0vd78A"
→ Yt docsvideo.title # => "Yt info"
→ Yt docsvideo.description # => "A test video for the Yt gem"
→ Yt docsvideo.published_at # => 2015-03-31 06:46:46 UTC
→ Yt docsvideo.thumbnail_url # => "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/BPNYv0vd78A/default.jpg"
→ Yt docsvideo.channel_id # => "UCwCnUcLcb9-eSrHa_RQGkQQ"
→ Yt docsvideo.channel_title # => "Yt test Channel"
→ Yt docsvideo.category_id # => "22"
→ Yt docsvideo.category_title # => "People & Blogs"

My Model Is Called Favorite

class Favorite < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :user
  validates :title, :user, :date, :video_id, :image, presence: true

Migration Of favorites

class CreateFavorites < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]
  def change
    create_table :favorites do |t|
      t.string :title
      t.datetime :date
      t.string :video_id
      t.string :image
      t.references :user, index: true, foreign_key: true, null: false


Rails.application.routes.draw do
  resources :favorites
  resources :examples, except: [:new, :edit]
  post '/sign-up' => 'users#signup'
  post '/sign-in' => 'users#signin'
  delete '/sign-out/:id' => 'users#signout'
  patch '/change-password/:id' => 'users#changepw'
  get '/highlights' => 'highlight#index'
  resources :users, only: [:index, :show]