
Another Telegram RSSBot but in Node.js Telegram RSS 机器人

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Another telegram RSSBot in Node.js

An RSSBot in telegram similar to https://github.com/iovxw/rssbot/. But this time in Node.js.


  1. Import and export an opml file
  2. Various configuration
  3. Pagination on command that list feeds
  4. Automaticlly extract feed from page (from link tag with type such as type="application/atom+xml")
  5. I18N


Deploy Paperplane to Heroku:

Deploy to Heroku


/rss       - show subscriptions,add raw to show links
/sub       - subscribe a RSS: /sub http://example.com/feed.xml automatically detecting RSS feed is supported
/unsub     - unsubscribe a RSS: /unsub http://example.com/feed.xml or by keyboard
/unsubthis - reply a message from a RSS feed to unsubscribe it
/allunsub  - unsubscribe all feeds
/export    - export subscriptions to opml file
/viewall   - view all subscriptions and number of subscribers need to enable in settings
/import    - reply this message a opml file to import(in group)
/lang      - change language
/heath     - show the heath of actively subscribed feed

Deploy with docker

Once you got a telegram bot token and docker installed

docker run --name rssbot -d -v <directory to store database file>:/app/data/ -e RSSBOT_TOKEN=<YOUR_TGBOT_TOKEN> fengkx/node_rssbot

More ways to depoly and more configurations can be found on Wiki


又是一个 telegram RSS Bot 不过这次用的是 Node.js


  1. OPML 文件导入导出
  2. 丰富的可配置项
  3. 命令支持按键翻页
  4. 自动从网页中读取 feed url (从 type 类似这样的 link 标签中读取 type="application/atom+xml")
  5. I18N


/rss       - 显示订阅列表,加 `raw`显示链接
/sub       - 订阅 RSS: /sub http://example.com/feed.xml 支持自动检测 RSS feed
/unsub     - 退订 RSS: /unsub http://example.com/feed.xml 或者通过键盘
/unsubthis - 回复一个 RSS 发来的消息退订该 RSS
/allunsub  - 退订所有源
/export    - 导出订阅到opml文件
/viewall   - 查看所有订阅和订阅人数 需要在设置中打开
/import    - 回复此消息 opml 文件导入订阅(群组)
/lang      - 更改语言
/heath      - 展示活跃订阅源的健康程度

Deploy with docker

有了 telegram bot token 并安装 Docker 之后

docker run --name rssbot -d -v <directory to store database file>:/app/data/ -e RSSBOT_TOKEN=<YOUR_TGBOT_TOKEN> fengkx/node_rssbot

更多部署方式和配置项请参见 Wiki