
##Objectives Use a Firebase backend with Passport and Express to show a user's coder friends.


##Step 1: Create Skeleton of Angular App To mix it up, let's create the file structure for the Angular app first.

  • Create a /public folder
  • Create the following files:
    • app.js
    • services/github-service.js
    • templates/index.html
    • templates/home.html
    • templates/friend.html

Let's use ngRoute to create routes for our app:

###/ The base route will display the index.html template. Show a "Login with Github" button that will redirect users to /auth/github

###/home The home route will display the current user's GitHub friends via the home.html template

###/friend/:github_username This route will display a friend's information as well as what they're currently working on.

Create the server.js file and set it up to serve your static files.

##Step 2: Create the auth endpoints

  • Install and require your dependencies
    • express
    • express-session
    • passport
    • passport-github
  • Create a Github app and then set up the Github Strategy in your server.js with your associated clientID and clientSecret. Use a callbackURL that will redirect the user to /auth/github/callback
  • Make sure you use the session, passport.initialize and passport.session middelware
  • Set up your auth endpoints:

####/auth/github Use passport.authenticate with Github

####/auth/github/callback Use passport.authenticate and upon successful auth, send the user to /#/home

##Step 3: Github following Endpoint Let's link the Angular Github service to our server.js

####GET /api/github/following In server.js, create the above endpoint and have it return the users that currently logged in user follows. You can either use an http request using the request module, or you can use the npm module node-github

Some hints:

  • You'll want to make sure that whichever client that requests this endpoint is currently logged in. The best way to do this would be to write a middleware function that runs before the "get followers" logic so that you're sure that the current requesting user is logged in. Your middleware function could look like this:
var requireAuth = function(req, res, next) {
  if (!req.isAuthenticated()) {
    return res.status(403).end();
  return next();

If the client gets a status of 403, it will know that it needs to redirect the user to the / page so the user can log in again. Keep in mind, this will happen every time your server restarts.

##Step 4: HomeCtrl + Github Service Now let's connect your Angular app to this setup.

  • In GithubService, create a getFollowing method that returns the results from the API call we created in Step 3.
  • Let's resolve the promise from getFollowing into a friends variable in the /home route.
  • In your HomeCtrl, let's throw friends into the scope and render them in the view.

##Step 5: NG un-authed auto-redirect We need a way for Angular to detect an un-authed web request (403) so we can redirect them back to the login page. We can do that by injecting a service that acts as an interceptor in Angular's httpProvider. It works sort of like middleware in Node.

app.config(function($httpProvider) {
    $httpProvider.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest';

// register the interceptor as a service
app.factory('myHttpInterceptor', function($q) {
    return {
        // optional method
        'responseError': function(rejection) {
            if (rejection.status == 403) {
                document.location = '/';
            return $q.reject(rejection);

##Step 5: Friend route Make it so that when the user clicks on one of the selected friends, it loads in that user's latest activity.

####GET /api/github/:username/activity Create this endpoint in your server.js that grabs data for the given username at this url:<username>/events
  • Create a method in your Github service called getFriendActivity and make sure it's passed a username
  • Have eventData be a resolved variable in the app's routing, then render each of the events in the /friend/:github_username route in the Angular app.