
This is an example project for integrating Skylicht Engine into another project.

Primary LanguageC


This is an example project for integrating Skylicht Engine into another project.

Build status

How to build

Step 1

First, You need to clone and build Skylicht Engine .

C:\>git clone https://github.com/skylicht-lab/skylicht-engine.git

And build the engine

C:\skylicht-engine>cmake -S . -B ./PrjVisualStudio -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64 -DINSTALL_LIBS=ON
C:\skylicht-engine>cmake --build ./PrjVisualStudio --target install --config Release

Step 2

Clone this project

C:\>git clone https://github.com/skylicht-lab/hello-skylicht.git

Step 3

Build project

C:\hello-skylicht>cmake -S . -B ./PrjVisualStudio -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64
C:\hello-skylicht>cmake --build ./PrjVisualStudio --config Release

You can see the Github workflow for more details Thanks you!