
CANbus bootloader for STM32F103 microcontrollers

Primary LanguageC

CAN Bootloader

CANbus bootloader (Currently only for STM32F103 microcontrollers)

The bootloader lives in the first 12k of flash on the microcontroller, and runs every time the microcontroller resets or powers up.

Heavily inspired by https://github.com/matejx/stm32f1-CAN-bootloader/blob/master/prg.py, but using the STM32CubeMX HAL


Build and flash the bootloader to the board. Make sure to set the board_id correctly!

Install the required python packages from can_flash/requirements.txt:

cd can_flash/
pip install -r requirements.txt

Use can_flash/can_flash.py to flash the firmware to the board

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

    flash               Flash a board
    change_id           Change the ID of a board
    list                List connected boards

usage: can_flash.py flash [-h] -b BOARD [filepath]

positional arguments:
  filepath              Path to the .bin file to be flashed

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b BOARD, --board BOARD
                        Integer input for board ID

usage: can_flash.py change_id [-h] -b BOARD -i ID

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b BOARD, --board BOARD
                        Integer input for board ID
  -i ID, --id ID        new ID for the board

Necessary application changes

The following changes must be made to the firmware to be able to flash it on a board with the CAN bootloader installed:

  1. Modify linker script

Replace the following line in STM32F103C8Tx_FLASH.ld:

FLASH (rx)     : ORIGIN = 0x08000000, LENGTH = 64K
FLASH (rx)     : ORIGIN = 0x08003000, LENGTH = 52K
  1. Add the following line to the user code 1 section of main.c:
int main(void)
  // relocate vector table to work with bootloader
  SCB->VTOR = (uint32_t)0x08003000;
  /* USER CODE END 1 */
  1. Make the application reset the MCU when a CAN frame with ID 0xB0 is received.
switch (msg.StdId) {
    case 0xB0:
      __NVIC_SystemReset(); // Reset to bootloader


The bootloader communicates over the CAN bus at a rate of 500kBaud. This must match the baud rate of the application so that the flasher script can send a message to the application to reset.

The bootloader implements 5 commands:

Write page buffer (BL_CMD_WRITE_BUF) is used to fill the bootloader's page buffer (in RAM) with data
Write page (BL_CMD_WRITE_PAGE) is used to write the page buffer to flash
Write CRC (BL_CMD_WRITE_CRC) is used to store entire flash CRC
Ping (BL_CMD_PING) does nothing and replies, to verify that the bootloader is running.
Set ID (BL_CMD_SET_ID) is used to set the board ID (See below). The response contains the new ID.

All commands (except for PING) are only carried out if the board ID in the command matches the board's ID.

Ping is a special command which all boards reply to, regardless of ID.

All 5 commands have the same format (8 bytes of standard CAN frame are used):

uint8_t board ID
uint8_t command
uint16_t par1
uint32_t par2

Each board appearing on the CAN bus should have a unique board ID. This assures you're actually talking to the board you want to be talking to.

Write page buffer:

offset (par1), offset into the page buffer
data (par2), data to write at offset

Write page:

page number (par1), page number to flash with data in page buffer (0..PAGE_COUNT-1)
page CRC (par2), page buffer CRC, if not matching, bootloader will not flash the page

Write CRC:

page count (par1), number of pages the firmware uses
firmware CRC (par2), entire firmware CRC, if not matching the flash contents, bootloader will not flash firmware CRC


There's no data in a ping command. Just leave it as zeros.

Set ID:

new ID (par1), the new ID for this board
par2 is unused

Bootloader operation:

Normal boot sequence:

  1. Microcontroller starts up/resets
  2. Bootloader code begins listening for CAN frames with ID 0xB0
  3. Listening times out after 200ms
  4. Bootloader checks if the application code matches the stored CRC.
  5. If the CRC is valid, the bootloader writes flag to RAM and resets the microcontroller
  6. Startup code detects flag in RAM and jumps to application

Flashing sequence:

  1. Microcontroller starts up/resets
  2. Bootloader code begins listening for CAN frames with ID 0xB0
  3. CAN frame received within 200ms
  4. Bootloader continues listening for CAN messages with a 2 second timeout
  5. After CAN communication times out, the bootloader checks the CRC of the application code
  6. If the CRC is valid, the bootloader writes flag to RAM and resets the microcontroller
  7. Startup code detects flag in RAM and jumps to application

To program the application firmware:

  • Send a Ping command and wait for the bootloader to respond. This may take several tries as the MCU resets/initializes.
  • Fill the entire page buffer 4 bytes at a time using several Write page buffer commands.
  • Execute Write page command providing the correct page data CRC. The bootloader will compare your CRC to the CRC of its page buffer. If they match, it will flash the page.
  • Repeat above steps for all pages.
  • Finally execute Write CRC command providing the correct CRC for entire firmware. The bootloader will compare your CRC to the CRC of the MCU's flash. If they match, it will store the CRC in an unused page, allowing subsequent application execution.

TODO/Future Ideas:

  • Support for retrying failed page writes in the flasher script
  • Shrink the bootloader. By replacing some CubeMX init functions with direct register accesses, it should be possible to cut out the couple kilobytes required to fit in the first 8k of flash, freeing up another 4k for applications.
    • Biggest offenders are HAL_RCC_OscConfig, HAL_CAN_IRQHandler, HAL_GPIO_Init, HAL_CAN_Init, and HAL_RCC_ClockConfig, which all take several hundred bytes to set up a few registers.
  • Support for more microcontrollers. Maybe an F4? This shouldn't be too hard, as CubeMX handles all of the initialization.