
This port gives you a py-board-like experience using the BlackPill created by WeAct Studio.

There are 2 versions of Firmware provided, one for the 8MB version and one for the regular version. Both can be found in the firmware folder. Both in .dfu and .hex format.

The 8MB version lets you use the 8MB spi storage to store your codes while the regular version offers 47KB flash storage (or 63KB if you were using Lfs2) for your codes. The trade off is that you lose SPI1. Also, the 8MB version provides 12KB more RAM. The 8MB version can be directly used on a board with 16MB SPI-flash. (I do not understand why, but it works, magic. And by works I mean, it reports a 16MB flash.)

The pins/features-configurations are final, changes will only be done when forced by Micropython updates.

Pins definition

Things that in () are not available in the pre-built firmware but they have their definitions in the mpconfigboard.h file. These are only my choices, you may use any other pins, which were sated in the comment as Valid. For the 8MB version, the SPI1 bus is used for SPI flash.

TX A9 A2 A11
RX A10 A3 A12
I2C I2C1 I2C2 I2C3
SCL B6 B10 A8
SDA B7 B9 B8
NSS A4 B12 A15 B12 B1
SCK A5 B13 B3 B13 B0
MISO A6 B14 B4 A11 A12
MOSI A7 B15 B5 A1 A10
C13 A0 PA11 PA12 PA13 PA14

Lfs2 Support

Lfs2 is a little fail-safe filesystem designed for microcontrollers that supports dynamic wear leveling, which is quiet useful when you are using the internal flash to log datas, since FAT does not have a wear leveling implementation and you will be wearing off your 10K cycles quiet fast.

To format the filesystem to Lfs2 you can simply excute the following code:

import os, pyb
os.mount(pyb.Flash(start=0), '/flash')

To avoid the annoying Windows formatation message, add the following to

import pyb
pyb.usb_mode('VCP') # This will change the COM-number on Windows.

To go back to FAT:

import os, pyb
os.mount(pyb.Flash(start=0), '/flash')

To use a hybrid mode:

import os, pyb
p1 = pyb.Flash(start=0, len=256*1024) # You have to caculate the length by your self.
p2 = pyb.Flash(start=256*1024) # You have to caculate the length by your self.
os.mount(p1, '/flash')
os.mount(p2, '/data')

Storage modification

Flash layout

If changing the flash layout is at your interest, you can modify the following section the stm32f411.ld file. However, there is this one rule: never assign a part of a sector more than your FS_CACHE size for Flash_FS. (Otherwise corruption will occur. This is caused by the fact that F4 series has very big sectors and each sectors greater than FS_CACHE can not be put into the cache.)

The default one is almost optimized (you can maybe still squeeze something out of the FLASH_ISR sector) for the RAM and flash ratio. The following are 2 suggestions/examples of working modifications:

Example 1: Get a tiny little more flash at cost of the same amount of RAM.

    FLASH (rx)      : ORIGIN = 0x08000000, LENGTH = 512K /* entire flash */
    FLASH_ISR (rx)  : ORIGIN = 0x08000000, LENGTH = 16K /* sector 0 */
    /* This is your space for storing Code. */
    FLASH_FS (rx)   : ORIGIN = 0x08004000, LENGTH = 80K /* sectors 1,2,3,4: 16k+16k+16k+32K(of 64K)=80K */
    /* This is where the firmware is stored. */
    FLASH_TEXT (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x08020000, LENGTH = 384K /* sectors 5, 6, 7: 128K+128K+128K=384K */
    RAM (xrw)       : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 96K
    FS_CACHE (xrw)  : ORIGIN = 0x20018000, LENGTH = 32K

Example 2: Maximizing flash size. (not quite, you can still increase RAM usage for more flash, but at that point, it is just not worth it anymore)

    FLASH (rx)      : ORIGIN = 0x08000000, LENGTH = 512K /* entire flash */
    FLASH_ISR (rx)  : ORIGIN = 0x08000000, LENGTH = 16K /* sector 0 */
    /* This is your space for storing Code. */
    FLASH_FS (rx)   : ORIGIN = 0x08004000, LENGTH = 176K /* sectors 1,2,3,4,5: 16k+16k+16k+64K+64K(of 128K)=176K */
    /* This is where the firmware is stored. */
    FLASH_TEXT (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x08030000, LENGTH = 320K /* sectors 5, 6, 7: 64K(of 128K)+128K+128K=320K */
    RAM (xrw)       : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 64K
    FS_CACHE (xrw)  : ORIGIN = 0x20010000, LENGTH = 64K

Note that you have to wipe the whole flash during flashing the firmware for the modifications to take effect.

Using external SPI-Flash

You can either solder a external SPI-Flash directly on the board or connect the first SPI interface (A4, A5, A6, A7) to the external SPI-Flash module. Both way you can use the 8MB version of firmware directly. Assuming your external SPI-Flash has 8MB of storage. If the SPI-Flash is not wired/soldered correctly, the firmware still boots but you do not have access to the flash storage.

How to build


First of all, you have to have a linux enviroment and get the compilers.

sudo apt-get -y install gcc-arm-none-eabi build-essential

After that, open the terminal and clone the official Micropython repo:

git clone
cd micropython
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd mpy-cross
make -j

Copy WEACTF411CE or WEACTF411CE8MB to the micropython/ports/stm32/boards folder. To build the firmware, make sure you are in the micropython/ports/stm32 folder, and type the following:

make -j LTO=1 BOARD=WEACTF411CE # With recent update, the LTO=1 can be omitted.

There are 4 possible variants for the both of the boards: DP, THREAD, DP_THREAD and NETWORK. The NETWORK variant should not be used as it requires other components that has to be purchased separately.

# DP: Use double precision for floats, each float number takes twice as much memory.
# THREAD: Enables Thread. This is an experiemental feature
# DP_THREAD: Enables Thread and use double precision.
make -j LTO=1 BOARD=WEACTF411CE BOARD_VARIANT=VARIANTS # With recent update, the LTO=1 can be omitted.

User C modules

If you wish to add some C modules, e.g. a st7735 driver you have to do the following:

make -j LTO=1 BOARD=WEACTF411CE USER_C_MODULES=~/lcd_c_modules/st7789mod/

change ~/lcd_c_modules/st7789mod/ to the directory where your modules are located at. Under that directory has to be a microptyhon.cmake file which includes includes all of the modules you want to have available. Something like this:


Frozen contents

If you wish to freeze some .py modules to your firmware, e.g. some fonts files, you can do something like this:

  • Step 1: create a directory called modules under ports/stm32.
  • Step 2: put all the .py files into the modules folder.
  • Step 3: add the following line to the under ports/stm32/boards.

Now you can just run the building command normally and everything in the modules folder will be frozen to the firmware.

How to Flash

Flashing the firmware

You can flash the firmware by following the official guide on i.e. for both .hex and .dfu file.

Mass erase


st-flash erase

STM32CubeProgrammer: -c port=SWD -e all


# You can save the following as a file and run it with: sh
set -x
echo -e -n "\xff" > ff.bin
dfu-util -s :mass-erase:force -a 0 -d 0483:df11 -D ff.bin


In addtion to that, if you were using STM32CubeProgrammer with a GUI, everything should be very straight foward. And this is the most easy way to flash your device imo. There are 3 options available: ST-Link, UART and USB each corresponding to using a st-link, using a uart-bridge and using the built-in dfu.

Side note

If you were unlucky and got a clone/pirated board, you might find it difficult to flash the firmware using dfu. (st-link and uart-bridge works just fine.) You can try to connect A10 to the GND pin before you booting the board into dfu. This might solve your issue.