Allows for easy scraping of one VSCO at a time
Usage and installation of vsco-scraper
Python 3 is required. Python 2 is not supported.
To install vsco-scraper:
$ pip install vsco-scraper
To update vsco-scraper:
$ pip install vsco-scraper --upgrade
To scrape a VSCO:
$ vsco-scraper <username> --getImages
Images are downloaded into the <current directory/<username>
To scrape a user's journal on VSCO:
$ vsco-scraper <username> --getJournal
Journal Images are downloaded into the <current directory>/<username>/journal/<journalname>
To scrape multiple VSCOs:
$ vsco-scraper <filename-of-text-file> --multiple
*The scraper will read a text file, one username per line
To scrape multiple VSCOs and journals:
$ vsco-scraper <filename-of-text-file> --all
*Same as above one username per line, but will also download journals if it finds them
Option | Secondary Options | Description |
--getImages | -i | Grabs all of the user's images |
--getJournal | -j | Grab's all of the images in the user's journals, then seperates into seperate folders |
--multiple | -m | Grab's multple user's images |
--multipleJournal | -mj | Grab's multiple user's journals |
--all | -a | Scrape multiple users journals and images, will download journal if they have one |
- Mustafa Abdi - Initial work - mvabdi
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- instagram-scraper for inspiration