
MQTT client library for ESP8266

Primary LanguageC


This is MQTT client library for ESP8266, port from: MQTT client library for Contiki

Features: It operates asynchronously, creating a new process to handle communication with the message broker. It supports subscribing, publishing, authentication, will messages, keep alive pings and all 3 QoS levels. In short, it should be a fully functional client, though some areas haven't been well tested yet.

Be careful: This library is not fully supported for too long messages

The Makerfile for windows support:

  • Create 2 file user1.bin and user2.bin for OTA (build_ota)
  • Flash user1.bin and booloader.bin

More information about compiler in Windows please see here: http://www.esp8266.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=820

Status Under development.

MQTT Broker for test: https://github.com/mcollina/mosca MQQT Client for test: MQTTlens

Author: Tuan PM