Official Implementation of "Semantics-Consistent Feature Search for Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning" in AAAI2024.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Official PyTorch Implementation of Semantic-Aware Autoregressive Image Modeling for Visual Representation Learning, Accepted by AAAI 2024.



SemAIM is a novel autoregressive image modeling method for self-supervised learning. The key insight of SemAIM is to autoregressive model images from the semantic patches to the less semantic patches.

Main Results on ImageNet-1k

The results of Finetune Accuracy (%) on ImageNet-1k are as following:

Models Pretrain Epochs ViT-B ViT-L
DINO 800 82.8 -
BEiT 800 83.2 85.2
MAE 1600 83.6 85.9
SimMIM 1600 83.8 -
LocalMIM 1600 84.0 -
HPM 800 84.2 85.8
iGPT - 72.6 -
ViT-iGPT 300 82.7 -
RandSAC 1600 83.9 -
SAIM 800 83.9 -
SemAIM 400 83.8 85.5
SemAIM 800 84.1 85.8
SemAIM* 800 85.3 86.5
  • means using CLIP feature as predict targets.

Getting Started


  • Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/skyoux/SemAIM
cd SemAIM
  • Create a conda environment and activate it:
conda create -n semaim python=3.9
conda activate semaim
  • Install Pytorch==1.13.0 and torchvision==0.14.0 with CUDA==11.6
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.6 -c pytorch -c nvidia
  • Install timm==0.4.5
pip install timm==0.4.5

Data preparation

You can download the ImageNet-1K here and prepare the ImageNet-1K follow this format:

  ├── train
  │   ├── class1
  │   │   ├── img1.jpeg
  │   │   ├── img2.jpeg
  │   │   └── ...
  │   ├── class2
  │   │   ├── img3.jpeg
  │   │   └── ...
  │   └── ...
  └── val
      ├── class1
      │   ├── img4.jpeg
      │   ├── img5.jpeg
      │   └── ...
      ├── class2
      │   ├── img6.jpeg
      │   └── ...
      └── ...


python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 8 --nnodes 4 --node_rank 0 \
    main_pretrain.py \
    --batch_size 64 --epochs 800 --accum_iter 1 \
    --model aim_base --query_depth 12 --prediction_head_type MLP \
    --gaussian_kernel_size 9 --gaussian_sigma 1 --norm_pix_loss \
    --permutation_type attention_center --attention_type cls \
    --blr 2e-4 --warmup_epochs 30 --weight_decay 0.05 --clip_grad 3 \
    --data_path <imagenet-path> --output_dir <output-directory> \
    --log_dir <log-directory --experiment exp0 \


python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 8 --nnodes 2 --node_rank 0 \
    main_finetune.py \
    --model vit_base_patch16 --batch_size 64 --accum_iter 1 \
    --blr 5e-4 --layer_decay 0.65 --epochs 100 --warmup_epochs 20 \
    --weight_decay 0.05 --drop_path 0.1 --reprob 0.25 --mixup 0.8 --cutmix 1.0 \
    --dist_eval --data_path <imagenet-path> \
    --finetune <pretrained-ckpt> --output_dir <output-directory> \
    --log_dir <log-directory --experiment exp0 \

Linear Probing

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 8 main_linprobe.py \
    --model vit_base_patch16 --cls_token --batch_size 512 \
    --blr 0.1 --epochs 90 --warmup_epochs 0 --weight_decay 0.0 \
    --dist_eval --data_path <imagenet-path> \
    --finetune <pretrained-ckpt> --output_dir <output-directory> \
    --log_dir <log-directory --experiment exp0 \


python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 main_knn.py \
--model vit_large_patch16 --global_pool \
--batch_size_per_gpu 512 \
--pretrained_weights <pretrained-ckpt> \
--checkpoint_key state_dict \
--data_path <imagenet-path> \
--use_cuda \



Visualization of different autoregression orders. (a) input images, (b) raster order used in iGPT, (c) stochastic order used in SAIM, (d) similarity order (the similarity map is directly used as the autoregression order), and (e) semantic-aware order used in SemAIM. In (b)(c)(d)(e), the first column shows the self-attention maps from the last block, the second column shows similarity maps from the last block, and the last column shows the corresponding autoregression orders (more warm-colored patches are predicted first). The self-attention maps and the similarity maps of the semantic-aware order used in SemAIM locate on semantic regions more accurately than other methods. This indicates that SemAIM can learn more semantic representations.


This project is based on SAIM, DeiT, BEiT, MAE, and DINO.


SemAIM is released under the MIT License.


  title={Semantic-Aware Autoregressive Image Modeling for Visual Representation Learning},
  author={Song, Kaiyou and Zhang, Shan and Wang, Tong},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.10457},