#some-awesome-sodium App
Some Awesome Sodium is a prototype dencentralised application project for allowing easy one click anoymous donation for content creators.
Table of Contents
Some Awesome Sodium (Frontend) contains the files to deploy a decentralised application that interacts with the sibling project Some Awesome Sodium (Contract). The project is done as part of the school project requirement for Nanyang Technological University CZ4153 module. Project contract should not be used for any production ready code, due to lack of security optimisation and input validation.
This project supports the following wallet
Please install any of the supported wallets above to use this app
We are using the Goerli Test network, so we need to enable the test networks on MetaMask
Settings > Advanced > Show test networks (Set to 'On')
- Select 'Goerli test network' from the availble list of network shown on MetaMask
- Follow https://goerli-faucet.mudit.blog/ to get free ETH to run contracts
- Install Node Dependencies
npm install
- Map Application Factory Contract and Domain Name
VITE_URL=http://localhost:5173/ <change if not dev environment>
- Run the project
# Run dev script
npm run dev
# Output
VITE v3.1.6 ready in 246 ms
➜ Local:
➜ Network: use --host to expose