
Utilities for working with FaunaDB

Primary LanguageTypeScriptISC LicenseISC


npm stable stable build npm next next build license: ISC

Scripts & utilities for working with FaunaDB

How to use

src/scripts/create-db-and-key.sh PARENT_DB_NAME NEW_DB_NAME: Create a child database under another database, create an admin key for using the new database, and save the key to ~/.fauna-shell

src/scripts/delete-db-and-key.sh PARENT_DB_NAME DB_NAME KEY_ID: Delete the database and delete its associated key. Requires knowledge of KEY_ID (can be looked up in the console).

src/scripts/deploy.sh DB_NAME: Upload schema.graphql to the specified database and implement it. This erases any previous schema.

src/scripts/migrate.sh DB_NAME: Upload schema.graphql to the specified database and modify it to match the new schema.