A worldwide effort by volunteers to fight Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Understanding the COVID-19 Risk Factors
- Documentation: https://corona-task-risk.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- Task Homepage: https://github.com/CoronaWhy/task-risk
- Main Coronawhy Homepage: https://www.coronawhy.org/
CoronaWhy is a crowd-sourced team of over 350 engineers, researchers, project managers, and all sorts of other professionals with diverse backgrounds who joined forces to tackle the greatest global problem of today--understanding and conquering the COVID-19 pandemic. This team formed in response to the Kaggle CORD-19 competition to synthesize the flood of new knowledge being generated every day about COVID-19. The goal for the organization is inform policy makers and care providers about how to combat this virus with knowledge from the latest research at their disposal.
List of collaborators (pending)
Also, although it is not strictly required, the usage of a virtualenv is highly recommended in order to avoid interfering with other software installed in the system.
These are the minimum commands needed to create a virtualenv using python3.6 for task-risk:
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv -p $(which python3.6) task-risk
Afterwards, you have to execute this command to activate the virtualenv:
source task-risk/bin/activate
Remember to execute it every time you start a new console to work on task-risk!
With your virtualenv activated, you can clone the repository and install it from
source by running make install-deveop
on the stable
git clone git@github.com:CoronaWhy/task-risk.git
cd task-risk
git checkout stable
make install-develop
Now you have the code installed on your local system, and you are ready to help us with your contribution, but first, please have a look at the Contributing Guide.