- 0
1.18.2 with latest QuickCarpet version.
#43 opened by ChanoxMOX - 2
World crashes on startup
#42 opened by anonaddict - 1
Random Ticks Seem to be Broken on First Launch
#39 opened by grabage321 - 4
#32 opened by yankees88888g - 1
Crash when starting up world
#19 opened - 2
Release the Nylium!
#18 opened by Sillymanblah - 0
Incompatible Mod Set
#40 opened by Stephen7890 - 1
Oceans are replaced.
#38 opened by Mizaar - 2
only planes.
#37 opened by derieziger - 0
Biome Information Missing
#35 opened by grabage321 - 3
registry remapping failed
#10 opened by liuyujielol - 0
Minecraft server error
#34 opened by Quix1 - 5
Getting gold in 1.17
#33 opened by Jubber4442 - 2
#24 opened by Vresod - 0
- 1
Structure Selector [1.17]
#31 opened by Pyrophany - 1
- 6
Wandering Villager Trades
#29 opened by Bob-Joe-2000 - 5
failed to launch (crash)
#30 opened by nziom - 3
Issue launching
#27 opened by Kobin-small - 0
- 4
- 2
- 6
Please build Skyblock for 1.16 with fabric-carpet
#16 opened by mrvn - 0
- 4
- 2
No, option to generate skyblock world
#20 opened by 0x3444ac53 - 1
Server Not Working For Me
#12 opened by nikhilanayak - 1
- 1
End portal generates too low
#17 opened by Technically-Hughman - 2
There is no sky in the world type
#15 opened by BakaDream - 2
1.16 snapshots dont work
#14 opened by razgriz5000 - 2
Skyblock world generating terrain
#13 opened by ImLuze - 1
- 2
- 2
- 1
Mod requires Carpet, not QuickCarpet
#5 opened by SINBRO - 8
Trees disappearing
#4 opened by ToastHead2 - 8
Unable to store "default" value.
#3 opened by codesource - 1
couldn't find required mod
#2 opened by phinniez - 1
Could not resolve valid mod collection
#1 opened by waidesoper