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Aquila Optimizer (AO) is a novel population-based optimization method, which is inspired by the Aquila's behaviors in nature during the process of catching the prey. It is implemented in C++
This software uses the concept of polymorphism to find the surface area and the volume of three different shapes
This Small demo banking app utilizes OOP. There are 3 modes of accounts namely kids, current and savings, all of which have slight variations in some of the banking operations. The codes are readily available. The banking operations are then implemented in the Banking cpp file
This is my maiden app. Look at it as a basic store keeping app (used by the store manager) that gives information about the stock available and gives update when a stock is running out.
This app can be used to keep tracks of the books in store, it can also be used to add reviews to books and to view the reviews already added
Car Game using SDL and C++
This is a C++ code for carrying out single objective optimizations with Grey Wolf. In order to user the program, edit the functions (input your own objective function), and edit the bounds (input the upper and lower bounds in theint main function). Then take note of the order in which you enter the bounds as you have to maintain that order in defining your objective function in the "functions" function. That's all
(GO to TICTACTOE to access the code)This is the TIC_TAC_TOE game that save the records of previous games. It creates a .txt file automatically on your local device
With this app, You can effectively plan your tasks for the day. This app is implemented with C++ and Qt Qml for the GUI.
skyrocketclub's Repositories
Aquila Optimizer (AO) is a novel population-based optimization method, which is inspired by the Aquila's behaviors in nature during the process of catching the prey. It is implemented in C++
This is a C++ code for carrying out single objective optimizations with Grey Wolf. In order to user the program, edit the functions (input your own objective function), and edit the bounds (input the upper and lower bounds in theint main function). Then take note of the order in which you enter the bounds as you have to maintain that order in defining your objective function in the "functions" function. That's all
(GO to TICTACTOE to access the code)This is the TIC_TAC_TOE game that save the records of previous games. It creates a .txt file automatically on your local device
With this app, You can effectively plan your tasks for the day. This app is implemented with C++ and Qt Qml for the GUI.
This software uses the concept of polymorphism to find the surface area and the volume of three different shapes
This app can be used to keep tracks of the books in store, it can also be used to add reviews to books and to view the reviews already added
Car Game using SDL and C++
Cuckoo Search algorithm implemented with the C++ Programming Language. In order to user the program, edit the functions (input your own objective function), and edit the bounds (input the upper and lower bounds in the universal vector). Then take note of the order in which you enter the bounds as you have to maintain that order in defining your objective function in the "functions" function. That's all
This software is a simple guessing game, with your inputs, you know if you are going closer to or farther from the answer.
This project shows the use of the Node MCU (ESP 8266) with the DHT sensor
Lists of company wise questions available on leetcode premium. Every csv file in the companies directory corresponds to a list of questions on leetcode for a specific company based on the leetcode company tags. Updated as of May, 2022.
(GO to Wise_Quotes_App.cpp for the code)Save daily quotes here, You can add a quote, view all quotes, edit a quote and even delete a quote in this app.
(Go to Medical_Record to access the code). A hospital Record that enables the hospital to keep track of every step in the treatment of the patients. No matter the doctor, the data of that patient is one click away. The application has two modes, the admin mode and the user mode. The admin password is "0000". In the admin mode, new doctors are added, and the doctors are given a serial number once they have been registered. When a patient's medical history is to be updated, a doctor has to sign in with his/her id so that it can be on record the person in charge of administering that treatment
This program depicts how you can number the lines of a .txt file. Here I numbered the Romeo and Juliet Play. Enjoy
(Go to the Railway reservation folder to access the code). This console application is a comprehensive railway design application that has both the admin mode and the user mode. The password for the admin mode is "0000". The application is standalone so all entries made are saved in a .txt file automatically created. The admin can create a user, view the current availability of seats in the trains, add train details. The users can only login after the admin has register him/her. The user can make or cancel a reservation. The admin can view all users, the admin can also view all current reservation and all cancelled reservation
Config files for my GitHub profile.
This Snake game makes use of object oriented programming concepts as well as the SDL package for rendering. I incorporated the High Score feature into the game.
Play Tic TacToe against a smart CPU opponent. #Unity3D
Node.js server which performs CRUD operations for a ToDo Application with Paginaton Implemented
THis app is useful for anyone learning a new language (With Spanish as the use case)