
Projects for summer program 2017 will be placed here

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Guide Map for Summer Program 2017

Week 1


  • Day 1
    • Opening Talk & Immersion: First Experiences with Physical Computing Models & Topics
    • Intro to Blockly: Building Blocks of Programming
    • Intro to JavaScript: Overview, Approaches to Learning & Fundamental Elements with Practice
  • Day 2
    • ES5 & Emphasis on Arrays, Objects & Functions with Mini-Project
    • P5.js: Creative Coding, Libraries & Learning by Modifying, Combining & Crediting the Work of Others
  • Day 3
    • Students Create 1st Creative Program by Psuedocode Planning & Real Code Implementation
    • Must-Know Architecture & DIY Approaches to Physical Computing
  • Day 4
    • Students Create 1st Arduino-Interactive Program (Possibly Using Yesterday's P5.js Program)
    • Must-Know Architecture & DIY Approaches to OSC Communications
  • Day 5
    • Immersion to Various Creative Tools (Programming) to Creatively Use & Prototype Our Physical Computing Networks
    • Student-led Focus on Particular Creative Tools (Multi-Instructor)

Repos & Files


Week 2

  • Day 1
    • Opening Talk & Immersion: First Experiences with Human Physical Computing Models & Topics
    • Students Discuss & Propose Projects for Week
    • Hardware & Programming Focus: Sensors, Arduino, 3D Scanning, 3D Printing & Humans
    • Wiring Diodes & Accelerometer: Testing & Playing with Body, Bio and Motion
  • Day 2
    • Arduino & Serial Data for OSC (e.g. get programs communicating to each other!)
    • Programming Creative Tools for Data Interaction (e.g. controlling a synthesizer, visuals, colors, lights, etc.)
    • JavaScript AND/OR Other Programming Language: Improving and Experimenting with Objects, Functions & Parameters
    • Modifying & Playing with Each Other's Work
  • Day 3
    • Students Either Help Program & Direct Staff-Designed Project OR Design, Program & Design Their Own Project
      • Staff Project A: Detecting Emotion by Sensing Bio-Data
      • Staff Project B: 3D Scanning, Modeling & Printing a Facial Mask for Each Student
    • Creative Tools Prototyping: Develop & Experiment with Creative Control of Project
  • Day 4
    • Students Add Context & Complexity, Trouble-Shoot OR Re-Design Projects
      • Adding Context/Complexity Example: Students Write One Act Play and Control Sound/Visuals/Light by Computing the Actors' Emotions (e.g. heart-rate, skin conductivity, etc)
    • Students Prepare Working Version for Performance Friday & Assist in Each Other's Projects
  • Day 5
    • Students Demonstrate/Perform Projects and Give Constructive Feedback to Each Other
    • Students Document Their Projects for Their Portfolio and Celebrate Their Completion (& Continuance!)



Week 3

  • Day 1
    • Opening Talk & Immersion: First Experiences with Object-Based Physical Computing Models & Topics
    • Hardware & Programming Focus: Physical Sensing via Objects/Materials, Bare Conductive/Arduino & Working with ServoMotors
    • Introduction & First Experiments with Conductive Paint, Capacitive Sensing & Touch Reaction
    • Students Discuss & Propose Projects for Week
  • Day 2
    • Programming Touch Board & Connecting to OSC (e.g. get programs communicating to each other!)
    • Programming Creative Tools for Data Interaction (e.g. controlling LEDS from Touch Board, sonifying and visualizing capacitive and conductive input, etc.)
    • JavaScript AND/OR Other Programming Language: Improving and Experimenting with Objects, Functions & Parameters
    • Playing with & Modifying Each Other's Work
  • Day 3
    • Students Either Help Program & Direct Staff-Designed Project OR Design, Program & Design Their Own Project
      • Staff Project A: Computer Vision and Motion-Response with a 3D-Printed Mask (Robotics)
      • Staff Project B: Interactive Clothing AND/OR Jewelry
    • Creative Tools Prototyping: Develop & Experiment with Creative Control of Project
  • Day 4
    • Students Add Context & Complexity, Trouble-Shoot OR Re-Design Projects
      • Adding Context/Complexity Example: Students Form an "Orchestra" by Programming Musical Parameters to Various Sensing Objects/Materials (e.g. capacitative water, paint, fruit - whatever!)
    • Students Prepare Working Version for Performance Friday & Assist in Each Other's Projects
  • Day 5
    • Students Demonstrate/Perform Projects and Give Constructive Feedback to Each Other
    • Students Document Their Projects for Their Portfolio and Celebrate Their Completion (& Continuance!)



Week 4

  • Day 1
    • Opening Talk & Immersion: First Experiences with Physical Computing Models & Topics
    • Hardware & Programming Focus: Remote Networking & Communications, Physical Sensing via Space & Spatial Elements, Computer Vision & Working with ServoMotors
    • Introduction & First Experiments with Spatial & Complex Sensors
    • Students Discuss & Propose Projects for Week
  • Day 2
    • Networking JavaScript for Remote Data Communications via OSC
    • Programming Creative Tools for Interactive Environments (e.g. tracking and visualizing spatial elements (people, etc.) and regions, etc.)
    • JavaScript AND/OR Other Programming Language: Improving and Experimenting with Objects, Functions & Parameters
    • Playing with & Modifying Each Other's Work
  • Day 3
    • Students Either Help Program & Direct Staff-Designed Project OR Design, Program & Design Their Own Project
      • Staff Project A: Detecting and Responding to Individuals & Groups in a Public Space (Computer Vision & Robotics)
      • Staff Project B: 3D Physical Bar Graph with Real-Time Data Visualization
    • Creative Tools Prototyping: Develop & Experiment with Creative Control of Project
  • Day 4
    • Students Add Context & Complexity, Trouble-Shoot OR Re-Design Projects
      • Adding Context/Complexity Example: Students Detect Emotions by Computer Vision of Facial Expressions, & Program Responses to Each Emotion
    • Students Prepare Working Version for Performance Friday & Assist in Each Other's Projects
  • Day 5
    • Students Demonstrate/Perform Projects and Give Constructive Feedback to Each Other
    • Students Document Their Projects for Their Portfolio and Celebrate Their Completion (& Continuance!)



Week 5 Skyrock.mini Summer Program

  • Day 1 Blockly and simple p5.js (Tuesday, August 1st)

    • Opening Talk & Immersion: First Experiences with Physical Computing Models & Topics
    • Intro to Blockly: Building Blocks of Programming
    • P5.js: Creative Coding, Libraries & Learning by Modifying, Combining & Crediting the Work of Others
  • Day 2 Arduino (Wednesday, August 2nd)

    • Introduction to Arduino, using push button and LED's. Learn how to program the Arduino IDE
    • Add sensors to the Arduino board and make simple systems.
  • Day 3 3D Printing and Bare conductive (Thursday, August 3rd)

    • Introduce students to slic3r and set up their heads for printing.
    • Programming Touch Board & Connecting to OSC (e.g. get programs communicating to each other!)
    • Programming Creative Tools for Data Interaction (e.g. controlling LEDS from Touch Board, sonifying and visualizing capacitive and conductive input, etc.)
  • Day 4 Bare conductive and p5.js (Friday, August 4th)

    • Make a 3d picture of their heads and body using conductive paint and interact with it.
  • Day 5 Student Projects (Saturday, August 5th)

    • We will finish bare conductive painted heads. We can extend this by linking to p5.js.