
Form builder library using VueJS 2 Virtual Dom


This is still currently in development as an early build.

  • Build a full form using a JavaScript object. No fiddling with HTML
  • Supports multiple output templates like bootstrap,
  • Extremely flexible, add new components or modify existing ones with ease
  • Pluggable validation. The validate.js library is supported by default.


npm install --save vue-form-builder

In your main file

import VueFormBuilder from 'vue-form-builder';
import Vue from 'vue';

Vue.use (VueFormBuilder);

In your JS:

new Vue({
  data: {
      myFormOptions: {
        name: "My Form",
        template: "bootstrap3"
      myModel: {
        name: "Bobby Tables",
        address: ""
      myFormSchema: [
        {key: 'name', label: "Name", type: "text"},
        {key: 'address', label: "Address", type: "textarea"},

In your template:

      id="myCoolForm" />

Custom components

You can easily add a custom component like this:

// Import the form registry
import { FormRegistry } from 'vue-form-builder';

// Register the component
FormRegistry.registerCustomComponent('bootstrap', // template name
  'switch', // key
  function (h, field, value, onUpdate) {
    var changeValue = () => {
      // Set the new value to the reverse of current value
      onUpdate (!value);

    return <div>
      {field.label}: <a href="#" on-click={changeValue}>{value ? "On" : "Off"}</a>

In your schema:

    myFormSchema: [
      {key: 'name', label: "Name", type: "text"},
      {key: 'address', label: "Address", type: "textarea"},
      {key: 'subscribed', label: "Subscribed", type: "switch"},


Add a validation attribute to the

    id="myCoolForm" />

In your data, you can set the constraints object. The keys should match the ones in your model/schema. This is powered by validate.js and you can read the documentation of the constraints for more advanced validiation.

  data () {
    return {
      /* ... schema and model omitted ... */

      myValidation: {
        constraints: {
          name: {
            presence: true,
            length: {minimum: 3}
          address: {
            presence: true,
            length: {maximum: 5}
          subscribed: {}