
Restaurant Reviews App Stage 2 for Mobile Web Specialist Nanodegree

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mobile Web Specialist Restaurant App - Part 2

This project is part of Udacity's Mobile Web Specialist Nanodegree.

How to run


First of all you would need the server that provides the API for restaurant's data.

Get the server: https://github.com/udacity/mws-restaurant-stage-2

Follow the instruction there to run it.


  • Check the port you are running your server on and update in the file js/dbhelper.js line 13.
  • Get the required packages by running npm i in the project directory
  • Make the build by running node_modules/.bin/gulp command in the project directory.

You'd need to setup a static file server in order to run this app

I will be using serve from npm to run mine. You can use any of your favorite.

  • Open terminal
  • Run npm i serve -g or yarn global add serve to install it on your system (You'll need NodeJS and npm/yarn to set this up)
  • Navigate to the project's directory and change into dist directory
  • Run serve -s --port 8000 (we need to give 8000 as port)
  • Head over to localhost:8000 in your browser


You can use SimpleHTTPServer in Python to run the project.

  • Run python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

and that's it. You have the app running.

Make sure you are running the server in dist directory.