
Boilerplate code to get you started on your react project

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Simple React Template

A simple enough react boilerplate; built using webpack, served by webpack-dev-server, comes with lodash, axios and jquery.


  • yarn install
  • Build for dev- yarn build-dev
  • Build for prod- yarn build-prod
  • Running Tests- yarn test
  • Run in localhost:3000 & open in browser(auto watch)- yarn start

What's included

  • webpack is used to build and bundle
  • scss is used as css pre-processor
  • babel is used to transpile es6-> es5
  • eslint is used for linting
  • axios is included as http request framework
  • jquery is included
  • lodash is included
  • bootstrap is used for basic component styling & structure
  • font-awesome is used for icon fonts

How it's structured and should be

|-- src
   |-- components
      |-- main (the component that's responsible for view switching based on route)
         |-- main.jsx
      |-- another.component
         |-- component.jsx
         |-- _component.scss
      |-- _components.scss (all the .scss partials defined in different components are referenced here)
   |-- views
       |-- home.jsx (or can be a directory of a view)
       |-- another.view
           |-- another.view.jsx
           |-- _another.view.scss
       |-- _views.scss (all the .scss partials defined in different views are referenced here)
   |-- index.scss (refers _components.scss, _views.scss and any other .scss partials)
   |-- index.jsx (the entry point where the app renders the main component and which eventually renders the views
       based on selected route)