
A fun project based on analytics related to Sachin Tendulkar.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Wikipedia says, “Sachin Tendulkar is a former Indian cricketer, widely regarded to be the greatest cricketer of all time.”. This project proves/disproves this statement.


I have data of matches and runs scored from past matches from Sachin Tendulkar's career and now I want to analyze if he's the greatest cricketer of all time. I can't do it based on his own performance but I would have to compare him with somebody else, that is exactly what I have done.

Now about the technology stack, I have used Node.js to handle Back-End and React.js for Front-End. The whole data from sachin's career has beed fed to elasticsearch, and the elastic server is hosted remotely using bonsai.io. The server queries elastic server on behalf of client and provides it an API end point at '/aggregations', this querying part of elasticsearch could be done by client also but I didn't want the Front-End engineer (in this case I'm both) to go through hell so I simplified and provided an API endpoint to client instead. I have used c3.js to plot chart based on data retrieved from elastic server. c3.js is a toned-down version d3.js which deals with creating low level SVG graphics. I didn't have time to learn d3.js completely to use in this project so I have used c3.js in my project. Bootstrap is also used to beautify the project but I have not made the site responsive, it works fine on PCs. I have used jQuery here and there but I have tried to use it as little as possible. React Router is used to handle the requests from client-side directly instead of involving the server, this makes the navigation from one page to another a very pleasant experience. Webpack is used to bundle the compiled JavaScript into a bundle.js file and css into style.css. I have used scss preprocessor but I haven't actually fully optimized the use of it and written pure css into it. Babel is used to convert our ES6 code into ES5 code, some of the plugins like transform-class-properties is used to fully utilize the use of class in JavaScript. I have also included Jest to test the Components and functions but that is for the future expansion, I haven't actually written any test cases for testing the components yet.

Now about deployment, I have used Heroku to deploy this application to the world wide web at the domain sachinalize.herokuapp.com. For the first time I have tried to optimize my code for production. Still I can include gZip compression and other minifying CSS,JS and stuff but I didn't do it because production and deployment wasn't the main concern. please note that the deployment may not work sometimes because the heroku server goes to sleep frequently.


There are four(4) pages in the site. The pages are Home, Analytics, Comparison, Conclusion.

  1. Home - This is the page where you get to know basic info about Sachin Tendulkar and other statistics. This statistics are taken from Wikipedia page of Sachin Tendulkar.

  2. Analytics - This page displays all the charts required to analyse Sachin Tendulkar's Career. I have only considered runs scored since I wanted to see if he was the greatest batsman.

  3. Comparison - This page is for comparison of Sachin Tendulkar with another cricket god, Sir Donald George Bradman, the comparison is completely based on the stats on wikipedia.

  4. Conclusion - This is where the question is answered, whether Sachin is the best batsman of all time or not.

Directory structure

├── es-helper - helper queries related to elasticsearch and other stuff like mapping info for the document
│   ├── mapping-info
│   └── queries
├── tests - folder containing ui and unit tests
│   ├── ui
│   └── unit
├── src - the core of the project, contains source files for client and server
│   ├── client
│   │   ├── assets - folder containing image files
│   │   ├── components - folder containing various react components
│   │   ├── graphs - Functions to return objects used to generate various charts
│   │   ├── helpers - helper functions
|   │   │   ├── get-query.js - function to query for resource to the server
|   │   │   └── hash-map.js - minimal HashMap implementation
│   │   ├── views - folder containing different views for different pages
│   │   ├── index.jsx - our main component which will be rendered on index.html
│   │   ├── index.scss - main scss file for styling
|   │   └── index.html - vanilla html page, where the js will be injected
│   └── server
|       ├── queries - helper functions to get the query objects related to elasticsearch
|       └── app.js - our main server file
├── .babelrc - config file for babel
├── LICENSE - MIT license
├── sachin.csv - file containing all the data about Sachin Tendulkar
├── setup.enzyme.js - enzyme config file for testing
├── webpack.common.js - webpack configuration file
├── README.md
├── package.json
└── .gitignore


  • clone this repo using git clone https://github.com/skywalker212/sachinalize.git
  • chage working directory using cd sachinalize
  • do npm install
  • run server locally using npm start
  • go to localhost:3000
  • identify bugs, implement improvements, report it in issues, raise a PR