
UNIFESP X-ray Body Part Classifier Competition solution with experiments description - Ranked 7th best on Kaggle

Primary LanguagePython

UNIFESP X-ray Body Part Classifier Competition

Kaggle competition link.

Data preprocessing

Data, X-Ray images, are provided in *.dcm (DICOM) format. Every file contains metadata and pixel array. Since single file load takes plenty of time (~2s) it is handy to convert them into *.jpg. Function preprocess.convert_dcm_dataset_to_jpg could be used for dataset conversion.

It is expected such datasets exist in directories dataset_generated/train & dataset_generated/test before training. Images in these directories should follow <SOPInstanceUID>.jpg naming convention.



  • Train/Validation dataset split: 1588/150
  • Model: ResnetRS50 (224, 224, 3)
  • No shuffle
  • F1 Train score: 0.8860
  • F1 Validation score: 0.8133
  • Kaggle test score: 0.78058

Experiment #1: Overtrain model

  • Epochs: 5 --> 10
  • F1 Train score: 0.953
  • F1 Validation score: 0.8533
  • Kaggle test score: 0.79405

Experiment #2: Invert dataset images in MONOCHROME2 format

  • Dataset (train & test) regenerated - Images with dicom.PhotometricInterpretation == MONONCHROME2 were inverted Inverted image in MONONCHROME2 format
  • Epochs: 8
  • F1 Train score: 0.9662
  • F1 Validation score: 0.8542
  • Kaggle test score: 0.80246

Experiment #3: Keep input image aspect ratio

  • Keep aspect ratio of an input image and pad to model input resolution with black
  • No improvement

Experiment #4: Decrease overfitting

  • Simplify model architecture (just GlobalAveragePooling and single Dense layer)
  • Increase validation dataset size to 20 % of training samples
  • Shuffle training dataset after each iteration
  • Batch size: 32 -> 64
  • Epochs: 12
  • Learning rate: 0.0001
  • F1 Train score: 0.9997
  • F1 Validation score: 0.8862
  • Kaggle test score: 0.83277
  • Reached plateau on both metrics (accuracy and F1-Score) and both datasets (train and validation)

Experiment #4 stats

Experiment #5: EfficientNetV2M instead of ResnetRS50

  • Use EfficientNetV2M with input size (X, 320, 320, 3)
  • Batch size: 32
  • Epochs: 12
  • F1 Train score: 0.9717
  • F1 Validation score: 0.9064
  • Kaggle test score: 0.86083

Experiment #6: DenseNet instead of EfficientNetV2M

  • Multiple epochs, multiple architectures, w/o preprocessing
  • No improvement, still overfitting

Experiment #7: Data augmentation

  • Apply data augmentation to training dataset
    • CLAHE, Rotate, Brightness & Contrast, (ISO/Gauss)Noise,
  • Epochs: 30 (early stopped after 25)
  • F1 Train score: 0.9758
  • F1 Validation score: 0.9046
  • Kaggle test score: 0.92087


There were 41 out of 1738 images from training dataset that were not classified correctly. Mapping between class_id and class name is available in config.py. Incorrect labels are in format [truth]→[prediction]. Classification results

Images of 40 incorrectly classified inputs and commentary. Incorrectly classified inputs #1 Incorrectly classified inputs #2

Image IDs Comment / Conclusion*
0,31,32 Image too bright / dark / low contrast. Hard to spot features.
1,2,7,8,13,15,17,18,20,22,23,28,34,35,38,39 Questionably or erroneously labeled dataset. Model's guess not bad at all.
3,4,6,14,26,33,36 Truth defined as Other. Model made good guess.
5,13,23,34 Highly atypical data (broken bones etc.). Model could perform better.
10,19,35,40 Model found only part of the labels.
16,21 Model classified most of the labels correctly, but added incorrect ones.
11,12,24,25,27,29,30,37 Just wrong classification.
13,25,36 Image combined from more than 1 x-ray scan.

*Some conclusion might not be completely correct since I'm not expert in radiology.

Experiment #8: Less epochs

  • 25 epochs was probably too much and model was overtrained
  • Epochs: 25 -> 20
  • Input size: (224, 224, 3)
  • F1 Train score: 0.9658
  • F1 Validation score: 0.9044
  • Kaggle test score: 0.93827