
proc macro attributes to eliminate need for boilerplate in creating sl-sh builtin functions

Primary LanguageRust

sl-sh proc macro attributes to eliminate need for boilerplate in creating builtin functions


  • must use the static_assertions crate and have the line

extern crate static_assertions;

in the main.rs file.

this package is used to guarantee at compile time that the necessary functions, namely Into, TryInto, and TryIntoExpression are implemented for the necessary Rust types so the builtin_ version of the function can be type checked properly.

//TODO update this section

  • This also means that all types for a function using this proc_macro_attribute must implement the traits Into, TryInto, and TryIntoExpression traits defined in the sl-sh crate.

  • All rust functions that use these macros must have documentation.

Documentation is structured in the following way:
/// Usage: (<name-of-sl-sh-fun> <fn_args>)
/// <description>
/// Section: <type>
/// Example:
/// <example sl-sh code>
  • currently only functions are supported.


  • The sl_sh_fn proc_macro_attribute
  • this attribute is used on rust functions to generate code that is compatible with the sl-sh runtime.
  • the macro must have the name-value pair (fn_name = "") so the macro can reference the name of the function in case of an error at runtime.

Attribute Name-Value Pairs

  • macro must have attribute (fn_name = ""), e.g.
#[sl_sh_fn(fn_name = "int->float")]
fn float_to_int(val: i64) -> f64 {
  • macro supports optional name value attribute (eval_values = "<true|false>"), e.g.
#[sl_sh_fn(fn_name = "int->float", eval_values = false)]
fn float_to_int(val: i64) -> f64 {

the default value is false, which means all sl-sh values objects will be treated as equal to (values-nth 0 exp). In sl-sh objects of type values evaluate to their first element unless the caller is the values?, values-nth, or values-length functions. These three methods are examples of methods where ..., eval_values = true) is required.

  • macro supports optional name value attribute (takes_env = "<true|false>"), e.g.
#[sl_sh_fn(fn_name = "int->float", takes_env = true)]
fn float_to_int(&mut Environment, val: i64) -> f64 {

the default value is false, which means the macro will not expect the first argument of your function is &mut Environment.


  1. If a function returns a type, T, T must implement From<T> for Expression.
  2. All types, T, U, .., in Vec, VarArgs<(T, U, ..)>, and (T, U, ...) must implement TryIntoExpression<T> for Expression
  3. All types, T, &U, &mut V, input to fn expressions with the sl_sh_fn macro:
    #[sl_sh_fn(fn_name = "foo")]
    fn foo(t: T, u: &U, v: &mut V) -> LispResult<Expression> {
    must implement impl<F> RustProcedure<T, F> for TypedWrapper<T, Expression> where F: FnOnce(T) -> LispResult<Expression> + ?Sized for T, impl<F> RustProcedureRef<U, F> for TypedWrapper<U, Expression> where F: FnOnce(&U) -> LispResult<Expression> + ?Sized for U, and, impl<F> RustProcedureRefMut<V, F> for TypedWrapper<V, Expression> where F: FnOnce(&mut V) -> LispResult<Expression> + ?Sized for V.
  4. If a Result return type is needed (for simplicity) use LispResult, as it's supported instead.
  5. TypePath for LispResult (and other types recognized by this macro, e.g. VarArgs or Vec) must be bare and can not be qualified with any type path, i.e. sl_sh::LispResult is invalid as a return type but LispResult is fine.
  6. VarArgs support requires use of crate::VarArgs which is a type alias for Vec, this tells the macro that the function can receive zero to N more arguments.
  7. VarArgs<T> must be last argument if used, but using it allows the function to accept N more arguments.
  8. VarArgs<T> and Vec<T> are supported but in both cases T must implement TryIntoExpression because a clone must occur to pass the inner ExpEnum in Expression to a Vec.
  9. Using a Vec<T> as a parameter corresponds to receiving an Expression that evaluates to ExpEnum::Nil/Pair/Vector. 10Option<T> types are supported but those arguments must be last (but can be before one VarArgs<T>).
  10. Tuples are supported but if they are in a Vec<(U, T, ...)> or VarArgs<(U, T, ..)> but all tuple members must implement TryIntoExpression in order to turn each Expression into a Vec.


  • TOOD need examples of ALL types of function signatures supported
  • for example the function:
/// Usage: (int->float int) -> float
///     Cast an int as a float.
/// Section: type
/// Example:
///     (test::assert-equal 0 (int->float 0))
///     (test::assert-equal 10 (int->float 10))
///     (test::assert-equal -101 (int->float -101))
///     (test::assert-error (int->float "not int"))
#[sl_sh_fn(fn_name = "int-to-float")]
fn int_to_float(int: i64) -> f64 {
	int as f64

will trigger the generation of three new functions, parse_int_to_float, builtin_int_to_float, and intern_int_to_float.

  • parse_int_to_float expands to something like:
fn parse_int_to_float(
    environment: &mut sl_sh::environment::Environment,
    args: &mut dyn Iterator<Item = sl_sh::types::Expression>,
) -> sl_sh::LispResult<sl_sh::types::Expression> {
    use sl_sh::builtins_util::ExpandVecToArgs;
    use std::convert::TryInto;
    let args = sl_sh::builtins_util::make_args_eval_no_values(environment, args)?;
    let fn_name = "int-to-float";
    const args_len: usize = 1usize;
    // this arg_types variable is generated by the macro for use at runtime.
    let arg_types = vec![sl_sh::builtins_util::Arg {
        val: sl_sh::builtins_util::ArgVal::Value,
        passing_style: sl_sh::builtins_util::ArgPassingStyle::Move,

    let args = crate::builtins_util::make_args_eval_no_values(environment, args)?;
    let args = sl_sh::get_arg_types(fn_name, arg_types, args)?;
    if args.len() == args_len {
        match args.try_into() {
            Ok(params) => {
                // use const generics and blanket implementation of ExpandvecToArgs over
                // function calls to map vector to function call.
                let params: [sl_sh::ArgType; args_len] = params;
            Err(e) => Err(sl_sh::types::LispError::new(format!(
                "{} is broken and can't parse its arguments.",
    } else if args.len() > args_len {
            "{}  given too many arguments, expected {}, got, {}.",
    } else {
            "{}  not given enough arguments, expected {}, got, {}.",
  • parse_int_to_float's job is to make sure that the signatures match, and, if they do it calls the builtin_int_to_float function, otherwise it returns a LispError at runtime.
  • the builtin_ function expands to something like this:
fn builtin_one_int_to_float(arg_0: sl_sh::ArgType) -> sl_sh::LispResult<sl_sh::types::Expression> {
   const _: fn() = || {
       fn assert_impl_all<T: ?Sized + std::convert::Into<crate::Expression>>() {}
   let fn_name = "one-int-to-float";
   match arg_0 {
       sl_sh::ArgType::Exp(arg_0) => {
           use sl_sh::types::RustProcedure;
           let mut typed_data: sl_sh::types::TypedExpression<i64> =
           let callback = |arg_0: i64| -> sl_sh::LispResult<sl_sh::types::Expression> {
           typed_data.apply(fn_name, callback)
       _ => {
           return Err(LispError::new(
               "sl_sh_fn macro is broken. ArgType::Exp can't be parsed as ArgType::Exp",
  • builtin_int_to_float's job is to (at compile time) ensure the proper traits are implemented and then coerce the rust types into sl-sh Expressions with the appropriate errors and call the original function, int_to_float with rust types.
  • once builtin_int_to_float exists, intern_int_to_float must be manually called in the add_buitlins function like:
pub fn add_type_builtins<S: BuildHasher>(
	interner: &mut Interner,
	data: &mut HashMap<&'static str, (Expression, String), S>,
) {
	intern_int_to_float(interner, data);
  • this is a bit ugly but necessary given the current architecture. This function tells sl-sh's plumbing to use the builtin_int_to_float method when the int-to-float function is called.


  • great pains were taken to make sure that the errors in development are as nice as possible, if the errors are wrong/confusing and/or using the wrong syn::Span (manifested as an error message potentially pointing at the wrong code) when compile errors occur look at the usage of the MacroResult type to ensure correctness. It's very possible it also isn't being used where it should or is being used where it shouldn't, development is iterative!
  type MacroResult<T> = Result<T, syn::Error>;
  • syn:Error is used with an accompanying span to pass invalid, or unsupported syntax back to the generated code to report errors at compile time using the syn::Error::to_compile_error method.

happy sl-shing!