
A starter template for developing a graphql server, using apollo-server-express. It uses typescript and express, and it uses jest as a testing framework.

Getting started

  • Run in development npm run start:dev

  • Compile your code and put it in the /dist folder npm run build

  • Run the compiled code npm run start

  • Test with jest npm run test

  • Test and watch npm run test.watch

Project structure:

   package.json - this is where all the scripts & dependencies listed
   .tsconfig.json - configuration for the typescript
   .jest.config.js - configuration for the testing using jest

   src/ - |
          | test/ - |
                    | service.test.ts: unit test for queries

          | service/ - |
                       | serviceSchema.ts: schema & queries definations
                       | serviceResolvers.ts: resolver

          | - schema.ts: this file merges all the different graphql parts and export an executable schema
          | - server.ts: created a apollo server with express

Example usage

Let's see an example, you can run the graphql server using npm run start:dev, and go to http://localhost:3000/graphql

query getAllUsers {
  getAllUsers {